Galilea is amazingly fun. Routinely viewed as ridiculously overpowered in both PvP and PvE, she’s an extremely well designed and implemented character that is easy to learn and play effectively but definitely takes some skill to truly master.
Gal is something of a generalist, which makes sense considering that she was an Eldrid spy that infiltrated the Jennerit and is now working for the UPR (she was “rogue” for a while, on Bliss, just killing stuff on a whim, so she there’s also a case for that). Her baseline toolkit (melee attack with shield alt, stun, debuff, and escape tool skills) is already pretty diverse, but it can be expanded even further with her helix options.
Probably the most important determinant is that Galilea is labelled in game as a Defender when she most definitely is not. Galilea is a blender that will turn her enemies into frothy smoothies and is equally adept at chasing down opponents as she is at defending a location. Furthermore, she’s not really very territorial either: she’s got decent mobility, especially once she unlocks her ultimate, and it often behooves you to drop Desecrate on top of an enemy aggressively rather than waiting for someone to approach you and drop it as a reaction. Her passive skill rewards her for staying in combat, in the thick of things, too. Definitely not a “defensive” character. Galilea kills; she doesn’t guard.
This isn’t to say that Galilea is an auto-win character. Since she’s a generalist with a diverse kit, her only major weaknesses are tactical exploits: after using (with helix, missing) her Shield Throw, she’ll be denied her shield (which is basically required for staying alive, since she’s not really that durable without it), she requires wind up in order to really start blending her foes (Corruption is meh on the surface, but there are some excellent helices for it), and, since everyone always takes the exact same helix at level 3 (it’s just that good), her DPS plummets (and she is no longer capable of attacking at range) when she’s not at max hp. If you can manage to recover your shield quickly and stay at max hp, Galilea will be a wrecking ball, but, if you’re playing against Galilea, deny her those benefits and she’ll be much less dangerous.
Wraith’s Greatsword:
Unlike most basic attacks, Galilea’s combo changes depending upon whether she is moving or standing still. While standing still, Galilea simply alternates between wide slashes from her left and right at a regular tempo; when she begins moving, Galilea will include a spinning slash after every left-right combo that attacks everyone around her (instead of just in front of her) thrice. As such, Galilea’s DPS increases dramatically when she is moving so, even if you are wailing on a target that doesn’t want to move, you should still be moving slightly to the left and right to keep your DPS up.
Furthermore, because Galilea’s attacks are wide slashes, if you want to score crits on targets, you can’t be too close to them. If you are too close, you’re liable to hit a target at the beginning of the slash (to the extreme left or right) rather than in the middle and end up not scoring a crit. To effecively score crits with Galilea (and many melee characters, in fact), you need to get your opponents into the sweet spot where your target is just within range (with the DtGA helix, this becomes even more important).
Sentinel’s Greatshield:
If you do not have your shield, using her alt-attack will place Galilea in a defensive posture which reduces her damage dealt by a significant portion (from the front), so it’s still useful to use without her shield.
Shield Throw:
Galilea hurls her shield and attempts to injure and stun a single target at range. There is some arc to the throw and it’s not really a fast projectile so it takes a good bit of skill to hit targets that are moving quickly and/or at long range. By default, you have to go pick up your shield from the ground (by walking over it) regardless of whether you hit or miss the target, which means that you won’t be able to block incoming damage with your shield until you pick it up or the skill recharges (which gives you back your shield immediately, which is nice in case you can’t find it). This skill gets a lot of really good helices that dramatically improve and expand its utility, making it an absolutely devastating ability, even if the damage is comparatively pathetic.
Abyssal Form:
Level 1: Herald’s Return v. Vortex v. Calamity
Vortex can truly ruin an opponent’s day in PvP since you can either yank a reticent foe to you to start the fight or prevent a fleeing foe from getting away (and increased their damage taken to ensure that they don’t survive). The area of the pull is larger than Desecrate and the strength of the pull is impressive such that, if you move quickly after activating it, an enemy can actually be catapulted past you to the other side. Calamity is equally useful in PvP but remember that it only applies to targets at the time of activation and only lasts for 5 seconds, regardless of how long they’re actually in Desecrate (if they immediately flee, they’ll still be wounded). If you have an opposing team with some strong healing (Boldur, Alani, Miko, and/or Ambra), I would go with Calamity; else, go with Vortex.
In PvE, you don’t really need to pull enemies since most are willing to oblige you by closing the gap themselves (and then staying there rather than running away). The wound from Calamity is also basically useless since there aren’t any enemies that heal. As such, Herald’s Return is the way to go, not that it’s a bad helix. It’s quite powerful: the CD reduction happens after cooldown time is factored in so, if you have a lot of CD time reduction (such as through the pick up), it will recharge almost immediately (the skill goes on cooldown when you activate it and the reduction occurs when you hit a target). It also means that you’ll get your shield back almost immediately too (your shield flies back to you as soon as it stops moving). This actually counts as “recovering your shield” for other helix options, even though you didn’t actually pick it up.
Level 2: Skilled Throw v. Mark of the Feeble
As with all things wound, Mark of the Feeble is only useful in PvP because enemies don’t heal in PvE. However, because you’re coupling a wound with a 2 second stun, MotF is a powerhouse combo of “you’re dead”. Of course, it’s only useful if there are heals to worry about so consider the composition of the enemy team before automatically taking it.
Skilled Throw gives you a bit of AoE with Shield Throw, though it’s implemented in a somewhat weird way. Your shield will bounce to nearby targets and, occasionally, will actually hit the original target again, dealing additional damage. The damage decrease is extreme and you’ll rarely hit more than 3 targets (and only if they’re tightly packed), but it’s a DPS increase nonetheless.
Level 3: Sentinel Stance v. Gashing Bash v. It’s Dangerous to Go Alone
As awesome as blocking to increase Corruption or a reasonably decent DoT on Galilea’s quick melee (that’s what they mean by “off-hand shield bash”), nothing competes with the obscene power boost provided by DtGA.
While at full hp, DtGA shoots out a small blast at the apex of Galilea’s melee attack (the furthest point); when she does a spin, it fires 3 at once in a tight-ish spread. They move at a reasonably fast pace but are far from instant and there’s a slight drop the further they get out, but it’s not difficult to account for.
Giving a melee character a ranged attack would be awesome enough (especially since hitting targets with the blasts generates/maintains Corruption), but, because the blasts are created at the apex of her slash, if you are at the proper distance (the “sweet spot” mentioned previously), you will hit the target with both the blasts *and* her sword slash, effectively doubling her damage (the blasts actually benefit from attack damage, just like your basic attack, so it’s a *huge* DPS increase). It’s when you do this that Galilea will straight up melt her foes. It’s disgustingly powerful.
Keep in mind, you only get access to it while you are at max hp, which is hard when you’re a melee character that has to expose yourself to danger just to deal damage, which is why I heartily recommend focusing heavily on regen mechanisms for Galilea (which she has a number of, in fact).
Stat-wise, the damage of the DtGA blasts is affected by Attack Damage gear.
Level 4: Chaotic Infusion v. Bleak Quiet v. Forsaken Grounds
While it seems strange to recommend against the first healing tool provided to Galilea immediately after discussing the “must-take” helix that rewards her immensely for being at max hp, Chaotic Infusion is just pathetic. It’s only active while Desecrate is up (and you’re standing in it), and it is a pathetically small amount of healing. Bleak Quiet and Forsaken Grounds turn Desecrate into more of a death path than it already is and, honestly, stopping things from hurting you is better than recovering from the hurt they deal; Bleak Quiet ensures that you’re not going to be on the receiving end of any vicious skills and Forsaken Grounds will kill stuff for you (the damage listed is lower than what you’ll actually see since the damage is augmented by Desecrate’s 16% amplify).
Of course, with the right legendaries, you can do some *very* interesting things with Chaotic Infusion, but they’re gimmick-y rather than explicitly optimal.
Level 5: Last Light v. Antihero v. The Pact
Which of these helices you should take depends heavily upon your composition. If you’ve got a healer or other reliable way to stay at max hp, go with Antihero. If you don’t (or need a bit of additional help), go with Last Light. As with most things Corruption, the attack speed provided by Antihero is proportional to the amount of Corruption you currently have, so you’ll only see the full amount in the throes of combat. Last Light, however, just cares that you have *any* Corruption, which is trivial to acquire (since you get Corruption either by hitting someone or even just *using a skill*).
Level 6: Dark Age v. Forsaking Others
Once again, this comes down to whether you can keep yourself at max health with or without help. Increasing Desecrate’s duration is a massive boon (going from 8 to 11 seconds is a 37.5% increase in duration) and makes all of Galilea’s non-level 1 Desecrate helices even more amazingly powerful. Forsaking Others, however, is one of Galilea’s most powerful healing tools, especially combined with Herald’s Return (which means you don’t have to go grab your shield if you hit and gets it back to you immediately; since it reduces the CD on Shield Throw if you hit, this also means more healing over time). They’re both excellent options and I’ll alternate between which one I take depending upon the situation: if I have a nice, reliable healer around, I’ll go Dark Age; if not, Forsaking Others.
Level 7: Mirror Knight v. Duelist
For the first time, we come upon a junk level for Galilea. Mirror Knight would be nice, but it’s only a chance (it can actually activate while she doesn’t have her shield up; if she’s attacking and a shot hits her shield, it will still damage you, but it has a chance to be reflected). Duelist is crippled by the fact that you generally want to recover your shield asap (and it automatically returns to you when it recharges). If you took Herald’s Return, don’t take Duelist since you’ll pretty much never see the boost.
Level 8: Inescapable Fate v. Blight Town v. The Black Wind Howls
TBWH only augments Galilea and only while she’s in a small area that enemies already want to leave so she’s not really going to be getting much of a boost out of this. Inescapable Fate, however, slows down all enemies, making it harder for them to leave an area that they *really* want to get out of. This isn’t that useful in PvE since enemies don’t try to flee Desecrate like players do, but it’s quite a boon in PvP (especially when paired with Vortex so that they’re pulled then slowed). Blight Town simply makes Desecrate absolutely massive, which is awesome, and more useful than a slow, in PvE, since you include more enemies while decreasing the likelihood of their wanderings taking them out of the patch (since there’s more area).
Level 9: Defender’s Dare v. Tideturner
Galilea is a melee character and needs to be in melee to turn her enemies into mulch. Tideturner lets you do this in both PvP and PvE (it’s especially good in PvP since it means you’re spending less time running to beat on that enemy you just stunned). If you aren’t having any issues with movement, Defender’s Dare is a decent choice, but I don’t bother with it since I don’t really use Shield Throw for the damage it deals (it’s not *worthless* damage, but it’s not good enough to bother augmenting to any extent, in my mind).
Level 10: Deeper Than Doubt v. Pitch Black
Increasing the size of the AoE means that you’ll hit more targets with a Abyssal Form’s abyssal damage while Pitch Black will give you full Corruption. If you’re having problems getting to/keeping at full Corruption, go Pitch Black; if you’re not, Deeper Than Doubt. Neither is going to make a huge difference since they both affect Abyssal Form in ways that aren’t really useful for what Abyssal Form is good at (mobility/avoidance).
Gear Stats
Galilea is a beat-stick melee that needs to stay at max health to keep obliterating her foes. Because of this, she’s got some weird priorities. I’ll go over all of those here, based on how I personally categorize them, and provide a priority list for each category.
(Attack Speed=Attack Damage>Critical Damage>Cooldown>Skill Damage>Shield Pen>Recoil=Reload)
Attack Speed and Attack Damage are both of primal importance because Gal’s damage is, in the vast majority, based off of her basic attack. Attack Speed increases Gal’s corruption generation (since it’s based on hits, not damage dealt) while Attack Damage has slightly higher values, which is why they’re equal. Both of them also improve DtGA’s damage: Attack Damage directly increases its damage but Attack Speed simply allows you to shoot more of them.
Critical Damage is good but, as a melee, Galilea isn’t particularly amazing at scoring critical hits.
Cooldown is bad, offensively, though it’s better than Skill Damage largely because Desecrate amplifies your basic attack damage, while Skill Damage just makes your anemic skill damage slightly better.
Shield pen is utterly rubbish. It’s only useful in PvP because most enemies in PvE don’t have shields (and no bosses have them; Rendain’s shield doesn’t care about shield pen). Still, it actually does something unlike recoil and reload. Recoil and reload are only useful as penalties to take on gear since they do absolutely nothing to her.
Defensive – staying at max hp:
(Max Shield=Health Regen>Cooldown>Damage Reduction=Healing Received<Shield Recharge=Shield Regen)
Max shield means you can take more damage before losing that all important first hp; Health Regen covers you on the other end by ensuring that you can recover from it.
Because Galilea has some pretty potent self-healing mechanisms, Cooldown means that she’ll be able to use them more often.
Damage Reduction means that her shield and her alt-fire shield can soak up more damage before finally breaking. Healing Received is only really useful if you have friends that can heal you (and, in general, if you have friends that can heal you, keeping Gal at max hp is going to be relatively trivial).
The other shield stats aren’t really useful because the values just aren’t that impressive: you can’t stack enough to get her shield recharging in combat at any appreciable level so it’s just not worth it.
Defensive – staying alive:
(Max Health<Max Shield=Damage Reduction<Healing Received=Health Regen<Shield Recharge=Shield Regen<CC duration):
Max Health reigns over all other stats because it increases TTK by way more than anything else.
Max Shield doesn’t improve TTK as well as Max Health does, but it’s still useful. DR is tied with it largely because of Galilea’s alt-fire shield: that’s an extra 1000 hp that she can throw in front of her opponent’s when necessary, which puts can put her very near (or over, with some gear) the threshold where DR provides more than Max Health. Of course, you can’t be attacking, so it’s not always there (hence it being below Max Health).
Healing Received and Health Regen aren’t going to do a lot to keep you alive in a short fight, but they’ll still do some work, especially over long fights (it takes 20 seconds for health regen primary to equal max health primary and 30 seconds for health regen secondary to equal max health secondary).
The other shield stats aren’t really useful because the values just aren’t that impressive: you can’t stack enough to get her shield recharging in combat at any appreciable level so it’s just not worth it.
CC duration is functionally worthless. CCs don’t last that long so the minute values of CC duration on gear basically mean nothing
Gal’s skills provide great control/support to your group and the only way to get more of them is through cooldown gear. It’s not going to do a *lot* since the values are so small, but they’re the only option you’ve got.
(Move speed>Sprint speed>CC duration)
Move speed is useful in combat and out of combat and is increased by sprint speed. Sprint speed is only really useful outside of combat. CC duration reduces the duration of slows and stuns but is still absolutely terrible.
Getting shards helps you buy gear as well as construct buildables. Buildable reduction makes them way cheaper, however. Something to consider is that I only find these stats remotely useful in PvP. PvE gives you shards like candy; unless you’ve got someone who bogarts all of the shards, every mission should provide a surplus of shards even if you have a triple legendary loadout (like I do for pretty much everyone). In PvP, however, these are absolutely amazing and can actually be the foundation of an effective strategy.
These are some specific legendaries to keep in mind for Galilea.
Gloves (attack damage):
Pacifier makes it harder to break your shield and take you below 100% hp, on multiple fronts in fact because it’s reducing damage dealt and increasing your shield. Symbiotic Gauntlet syncs well with Gal’s desire to remain at max hp and makes her harder to kill. VoV is just pure face melting because it increases attack speed and, as a melee, you’re going to be generating those increased damage stacks like crazy (and Corruption is a good indicator of when they drop off, unless you use skills/DtGA to maintain it).
Swords (attack speed):
SEoA is the gold standard of attack speed legendaries: the stacks are permanent and reasonably easy to acquire (even if Gal is bad at scoring crits, you’ll still get the 5 purely by accident as long as you’re fighting), and it provides an good stat in addition to the attack speed. It’s also dropped from the Sentinel mission, which has 4 of the best legendaries in the game in its loot table.
Orbital Tracking Spike is only mentioned because it’s got useful stats (attack speed and shield) though the additional attack speed is conditional upon you moving as little as possible… which can easily get you killed and you’re not liable to do often. This is more of a sniper legendary though I can see some people liking it (or using it until they get SEoA).
Vow of Zealous Fury used to be absolutely amazing but it was gutted in the Winter Update. Don’t use it.
Helmets (CC Duration):
Silverback Hydebear Hide (upr)
While CC Duration gear is generally *never* taken and pretty much never recommended for anyone, this is a true exception. The primary stat is basically worthless, but you get DR as well as regeneration, both of which are exceptionally good stats. If someone else on your team has a Demon Bear item, it’s basically an additional epic injector that you can take if you’ve already got one (since it’s a legendary and costs a helluva lot more). It’s not *stellar*, but it’s something to consider, especially if you really want to push the regen and DR.
Goggles (critical damage):
If you can manage to get crits Gal’s sword (not DtGA) reliably, this is worth it. You get attack speed to go with the critical damage and the special effect is quite nice. In PvE, a blind is basically a stun and, in PvP, it’s extremely disorienting to players.
Pauldrons (damage reduction):
Blissbeast Skull Plate provides damage reduction and a nice chunk of regeneration (especially since Gal doesn’t have a whole lot of hp so it’s easy to trigger the legendary effect for additional healing). Gotta love it. Burning Sunset makes it a lot harder to screw with you when you’re on a rampage because it allows you to ignore the damage from one skill every 30 seconds (only useful in PvP; this does nothing in PvE). The CC duration fits with the theme.
Porta-bUnkr Phalanx Rig and “Alamo-7” Armor should probably also be mentioned here because they’re somewhat popular options to consider. I don’t recommend either of these, largely because of their secondary stats. PbPR could be viable in a full UPR group (especially if your group stays in your Desecrate) but that’s not going to happen often; A7A provides a worthless secondary stat and, while 2 seconds of immunity is nice, the only thing it’ll really do is buy you time to use Abyssal Form and get out of there (since it’s on a 2 minute CD)
Med kits (heal power):
Since Gal can only provide a modicum of healing from a rather bad helix choice (and heal herself with Abyssal Form), I would normally discourage taking a med kit since it’s kind of a wasted slot. *However*, both of these med kits come with very useful secondary stats and very useful legendary effects. Since Desecrate is a long duration puddle that heals a little with the proper helix, you can get a fair bit of mileage out of either of these (especially since you count as an ally if you heal yourself). Dr. Fist’s can be a nice way to cheese your way into a piece of gear with max hp and DR (of which there are only a couple) and Solar Sustainer will just end up buffing you and your friends *even more* when you use Desecrate.
Amulets (healing received):
Arcship Buoy is kind of strange and generally not recommended. However, because Galilea can heal herself with Desecrate while she is stunned (only if you took the Desecrate heal helix), you can abuse the Arcship Buoy in PvP turning Desecrate into your personal “lolno” zone to CC (well, the first one thrown at you, each time, at least).
Injectors (health regen):
As Gal’s lore legendary, Shadow Mote Overflow is definitely well designed for her. It provides attack speed (best attack stat), health regen (to keep you at max hp), and a whopping 50% life steal against any stunned target (which she does all the time with her Shield Throw). I keep this in any Galilea loadout that doesn’t have a dedicated healer in party. Oath of the Sustained is a reasonable facsimile to use until you get her lore legendary but, keep in mind, the “life steal” provided by OotS doesn’t apply to Galilea; it only applies to her allies.
Armor (max hp):
Vigilance Link gives you 2 excellent survivability stats and makes your team more durable as well. Excellent for team players and more support minded people. Vampiric vestments will give you hp, more hp when you kill things, and more attack damage so that it’s easier to kill things. However, because you lose them when you die, I wouldn’t recommend VV for PvP since dying is relatively common (and melee characters tend to be easy to kill in PvP with Galilea as a very popular target because she’s so despised).
Pain-2-Gain Re-Knitter has DR on it, which will make Galilea incredibly tanky; it also has the capacity to double the max hp increase, as long as you don’t die. If you’re running ops, SG BDU is better (and is actually the single best TTK item you can get) because it provides more hp than P2G with the exact same DR contributions: if you’ve got at least 56 ops points, SG BDU is better than P2G can possibly be.
Batteries (max shield):
Modernista is a good anti-ranged shield with a decent secondary stat. A good way to discourage snipers in PvP since you can avoid the first crit and hurt them in the process. One-4-All Shield Array gives you more shield, your allies more shield, and can stack up some shield penetration if you want to push a shield pen build (and works very well as an anti-Galilea tool, since you only need to deal 1 damage to hp in order to turn off DtGA).
If you’re doing ops, SKNK is absolutely incredible since provides the most DR possible on any single item (19.2%) if you’re running for 100 ops points: 19.2% DR is a 23% increase in TTK, which means that it’ll provide more survivability than any
Boots (move speed):
I wouldn’t use them for PvE since you don’t need to slow enemies, but they’re useful in PvP since they let you keep up with enemy players exceptionally well.
Pins (skill damage):
The gold standard of skill damage legendaries. Attack speed (amazing) in addition to skill damage and a bonus effect that makes enemies take more damage after being damaged by your skills. This is the only skill damage item I would dream of using on Galilea since it gives a useful secondary and allows skills to augment her more important attack damage.
Non-Legendary Gear
Since legendaries generally require extensive PvE to acquire (even the loot pack legendaries are easier to get via PvE due to the ease at acquiring commander packs via the ops), most PvP players won’t have ready access to many of them. Of course, because they require so many shards to activate, many PvPers don’t bother using them in the first place (they’d rather activate cheaper gear and use spare shards on buildables). It should also be mentioned than many newbies won’t have ready access to a full spread of gear either so this provides them some stuff to look out for.
Keep in mind that all of these items can be acquired from Core loot packs; each item also has a relevant faction listed; if you’re looking for a specific item, your best bet is to open faction or commander packs of that type so that the loot table is smaller.
This list will not be comprehensive. I’m only mentioning those items that I feel are most relevant/important. I’ll also be labeling them based upon faction, rarity, and if you want the version with a penalty if possible (items with penalties are cheaper to activate; in general, only use gear with a penalty that doesn’t affect your character since it’s basically a free cost reduction).
Gloves (attack damage):
First and foremost, the Eldrid gloves are all awesome because max hp is absolutely amazing and the conditional effect on the rare and uncommon versions are extremely easy to activate. Galilea does have a shield (and is the only thing that allows her to stay at max hp for DtGA while being attacked) so you don’t want to reduce it with the penalized versions.
The LLC epic glove is good because it provides some more shield (and a bigger DtGA buffer). The other gloves aren’t worth it because of bad conditional requirements.
Swords (attack speed):
The exact same stuff here as with the gloves, with a different primary stat. Same rules apply.
Wrenches (buildable cost):
Excellent for PvP building loadouts, this is the only free wrench that doesn’t penalize Galilea at all (the UPR version with -skill damage doesn’t affect her *much* because Gal isn’t really a skill damage character but why take “small effect” when you can have “no effect”). The higher rarity wrenches tend to not be worth it because you’re spending shards to save the same amount on later purchases.
Injectors (health regen):
If you’re looking for straight up regeneration, the Eldrid option is best (don’t go for the penalized one for obvious reasons) since you’re getting as much as possible.
The UPR and Jennerit versions provide you with health regen along with a useful secondary stat. Don’t go for the penalized or non-epic versions since the conditional procs are either terrible (UPR) or too difficult to maintain to justify the reduction in cost (Jennerit; at least when you’re not doing a curb stomp run; in PvE, major enemies are so uncommon you see only a handful per mission thanks to it only applies to minibosses and bosses).
Armor (max hp):
The LLC rare is one of the best max hp items in the game for PvP. As soon as your shield breaks, your max hp and current hp both increase by 210. As soon as you have a shield again, your max hp and current hp are both reduced by 210 (though no less than 1). It’s extremely good. The Eldrid variant is basically a bridge gap until you can get the LLC one.
Boots (movement speed):
While you don’t really need the mobility in PvE, Galilea can very much so use this in PvP to chase down kills. The Jennerit penalties on don’t affect her at all and the Rogue penalties barely affect her at all (and only really do so in any tangible form if you went with the Desecrate heal, which you can always opt out of) and the conditionals on the rare versions are actually quite easy for Galilea to maintain (for the Rogues, you only really need the move speed when your skills are already down, though it’s less effective at beyond level 5; for the Jennerit, Galilea is a melee fighter so she’s totally gonna be getting it).
Shard Gen (free shards):
Virtually required for most PvP loadouts, this is the only free shard gen doesn’t penalize Galilea at all (the Rogue version with -heal power will affect her an extremely small amount, moreso if you plan on taking the Desecrate heal, but why take “small effect” when you can have “no effect”). The higher rarity shard gens tend to not be worth it because you’re having to wait to activate it before starting to generate shards, effectively doubling the cost.
General PvE:
Stole Edge of Arcvynorr, Vow of Vengeance, Shadow Mote Overflow
Shadow Mote Overflow provides you with health regen and lifesteal on crit, coupled with the crapload of attack speed and attack damage the others provide. You’ll mow down your opponents and keep yourself topped off pretty well, as long as you don’t push it too hard.
Pure Damage PvE:
Stolen Edge of Arcvynorr, Vow of Vengeance, Bola’s Target Finder
Also known as the “I have a pocket healer” build, you’re trading off any semblance of self-healing for more damage and attack speed. It’s risky, but the payoff is worth it if you have a reliable healer on your side that can keep you topped off.
Pure Survivability PvE:
Blissbeast Skull Plate, Pain-2-Gain Re-Knitter, Shadow Mote Overflow
Craptons of +hp, +DR, and regen. Probably the tankiest any Galilea is gonna be (outside of ops), though your damage won’t be particularly impressive.
Pure survivability Ops:
SKNK-WRK Decoherence Refractor, Squad Goals BDU, Shadow Mote Overflow
SKNK and SG BDU are incredibly powerful and will make your Galilea ridiculously tanky. Shadow Mote Overflow is there for the extra attack speed and extremely amount of lifesteal that it provides.
Mike Ops:
Erratic Shard Extractor (-reload), Shadow Mote Overflow, Vow of Vengeance
A shard generator ensures that you can afford the other 2 legendaries, SMO keeps you topped off and shooting blasts of energy, and VoV provides you with the most damage you can get from a single legendary. SEoA is also a viable option, especially if you want to play it safer at range with DtGA (which is appropriate for some ops runs).
Legendary PvP:
Erratic Shard Extractor (-reload), Boots of the Brute, Shadow Mote Overflow
A shard generator ensures that you can afford the other 2 legendaries, BotB makes sure you can stick to your opponents, and SMO keeps you topped off and shooting blasts of energy. VoV/VoZF are a viable options instead of the either if you want more damage, but more damage isn’t really going to do much if you can’t keep up with your opponents or stay at max hp.
Fast Leveling PvP:
Erratic Shard Extractor (-reload), Erratic Tempestian Cred-Stick (-reload), Boots of the Brute
Build as much as possible to get easy xp and level up as quickly as possible. Make sure you stick around the fights as well so that you’re not sacrificing minion xp for build xp. BotB is there for when you hit level 10 and don’t need to build for xp any more. VoV/VoZF are also viable legendaries, but, as previously stated, BotB is almost requisite for PvP. If anything, I’d take SMO instead of BotB, but, if you’re outleveling your opponents, you’ve probably got access to Gal’s self healing tools anyways.
Cheap and Functional PvP:
Survivor’s Regrowth Serum, Stout Ekkuni Wristguard, Stout Aelfrin Warblade
Since there aren’t any legendary items, you don’t really need a free shard gen (though you could replace either the glove or the pin if you really wanted). The Eldrid uncommon glove and pin can be replaced by the epic versions if you’re worried about dying and the rare injector can be replaced by either of the previously recommended epic injectors if you don’t feel like you need the extra regen, but it will increase the price a fair deal (it currently costs 2352; going from uncommon to epic would cost 336 each; going from rare to epic would cost 126).