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How to Clear the Red Mist in Redfall?

Bloodbag standing in the red mist in Redfall

Red Mist is a deathly obstacle in Redfall which you encounter at key points throughout the game. Entering this death mist is not recommended as it will lower your movement speed and slowly eat away at your health bar, which could become fatal. It’s best to avoid the deathly fog and take an alternative route, however, there is a way to remove the Red Mist in the game and that’s what I’m going to teach you in this Redfall Guide.

What is the Red Death Mist in Redfall?

Redfall Red Mist

The red mist occurs when a Bloodbag gets petrified in Redfall. Bloodbags are half-transformed humans that act as cows for the Vampires to feed on as they carry all this excess blood. You probably know them as those Vampires that explode in your face when they get close to you but all that excess blood that is stored in their body slowly gets released when they are petrified, creating the red mist.

How to Remove the Red Death Mist in Redfall?

You want to do this in Redfall if you encounter an area covered in Red Mist and need to access it.

  1. Look for the source of the Red Mist

    Every Red Mist has an origin, therefore, you need to find the half-petrified Bloodbag. Look for a black statue in the fog.Redfall Red Mist Source

  2. Stop the emission

    You need to fully petrify the Bloodbag after locating the Red Mist’s source. Equip a UV Light (Medusa) and shoot its beam through the clouds at the Bloodbag to temporarily clear the area from this deathly vapor. You will hear screaming when you hit the Bloodbag with your UV Beam.Redfall Red Mist Destroy Source

  3. Eliminate the Red Mist’s source

    Quickly make your way to the petrified Bloodbag and shatter them by punching them in the face because you only have 10 seconds before they start emitting the deadly Red Mist again.Redfall Red Mist Punch Source

Red Mist Tips & Tricks

  • Take the high ground: The source stands out more easily when looking down at the fog.
  • Aim Down Sight: You can create a focused UV beam when aiming down sight and are therefore more effective in achieving your goal.
  • Utilize it: Human enemies can be lured into the red fog and will meet a dark fate.

Don’t forget to bookmark my site as this and my other Redfall guides will help you on your way!

How to get a UV Beam gun in Redfall?

You will need a UV-102B “Medusa” to remove the Red Mist in Redfall, however, because the loot in Redfall is random and there are no fixed loot sources, you are kinda left in the dark by the RNG gods in order to obtain this UV Light.

Redfall is an immersive sim and therefore there are areas where it makes sense to have a UV light but you can also check out the Armory in a safe house and purchase a portable UV light.

I won’t spend $2.500 to refresh the Armory’s stock as some other game sites suggest. There are better things to spend your currency on because you will encounter a portable UV light eventually. A low-level one will also get the job done and you can use that money on a new perk in your Safe House Skill Tree.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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