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How to get FREE V-Bucks – Fortnite

Fortnite is LIT and so are V-Bucks! While I know you are excited for them there are only 2 ways for you to obtain free V-Bucks and that's by playing the game. Therefore don't trust any other websites, as most of them are there to trick you and get access to your Epic Games account. The developer has made it clear through there channels to not trust these practices as many people have fall victim due to these scams. In this "How to get free v-bucks" guide I'll tell you how you can this in-game currency within Fornite: Save the World and Battle Royale.
How to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite
How to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite


  • What are V-Bucks?
  • Buy Fortnite Save the world
    • How much V-bucks can you earn in Save the World?
  • How to earn V-Bucks?

What are V-Bucks?

V-Bucks is short for Vindertech Bucks or Vinderbucks. They are an in-game currency in Fortnite. V-Bucks are used for purchasing items from the in-game Vindertech Store, or to purchase cosmetic items and the Premium Battle Pass in Battle Royale

Buy Fortnite Save the World

If you have access to Save the World you can use this mode to quickly collect free V-Bucks. You can unlock Save the World for $40(USD) but according to Epic Games, it will be free to play sometime in 2018. When writing this article we are well into the year and no official announcements have been made when Save the World will become free to play. I won’t be surprised if it never becomes free, however, they are making good money from their Battle Royale mode, so I think they can sustain the mode. Buying Save the World is the equivalent of 2000 V-Bucks, however, once you made that purchase you will be able to keep earning V-Bucks for free. As V-Bucks are shared across your account, you don’t have to worry about having to use your currency in that mode.

How much V-bucks can you earn in Save the World?

The big question of purchasing the Save the World mode in Fortnite is ‘how much V-Bucks can I earn‘ because you do initially put down $40(USD) / 2000 V-Bucks. There are players reporting that they earn thousands of V-Bucks by playing Save the World, however, no one exactly knows how much V-Bucks YOU can earn in Save the World. This all depends on how effectively you know how to play and how much time you have to spend on gaming. There are people that can stack up 1500 V-Bucks in a day or two, while others have managed to obtain 500 V-Bucks in a 2 week time. I have seen reports of long-time players that managed to earn around 40,000 V-Bucks in 6 months. This is a lot of money that you can save by spending that initial $40(USD).

How to earn V-Bucks

In the main menu of the game, you can see all V-Bucks sources in the top navigation bar. Here you can check out further details that explain them and provide tips. You will be able to earn V-Bucks from:

  • Login Rewards
  • Main Questline
  • Daily Quests
  • Timed Missions
  • Collection Book (V-Buck rewards have been removed from the collection book since patch 6.30)
  • Side Quests (including challenges)
  • Events

Login Rewards

The Login Rewards in Fortnite are not that great at the beginning of the game, however, they will increase after the initial month. They were greatly improved on patch 1.8 and the rewards include V-Bucks, rare to legendary items, Llamas, evolution materials, XP Boosts, and People. You will get your first 50 V-Bucks for logging in 11 days, but don’t worry things will go up from here, because if you logged in for 28 days you will be rewarded with 300 V-Bucks. There are also cases where you earn 800 V-Bucks and even a 1000 V-Bucks for logging in 336 times. After that the counter will reset back to 1 but you have accumulated 10,000 V-Bucks by then. Other great rewards include Legendary Heroes, Legendary Hero, and Survivor Transform Keys. In addition to that, the daily login rewards also have Upgrade Llamas around once a week. So if you just keep playing you will get some sweet sweet loot.

Main Questline

Save the World’s main questline features Storm Shield Defense missions around every tenth quest with 100 V-Bucks reward. Beginning of the game, it’s even more frequent and the quests are done fast. The main questline is divided into 4 different areas and each area contains 6 Storm Shield Defense quests. These Storm Shield Defense quests grant 100 V-Bucks each, therefore, each area in the main questline is good for a total of 600 V-Bucks each. By simply finishing all 4 areas you will have made your 2000 V-Bucks investment back. Then you have your Daily Quests and Timed Missions to stack up on.

Side Quests and Challenges

There are a lot of Side Quests and Challenges in Fortnite and some reward you with V-Bucks. Finding Shielder data samples and completing Storm Shield Defenses up to level 10 after completing each area will reward you with V-Bucks. These Side Quests reward you with 1900 V-Bucks over time. There are also some Challenges that will reward you with V-Bucks. Each of these challenges has 20 stages, therefore, these challenges will reward you with 2600 V-Bucks over time. However, doing these side quests and challenges can be repetitive.

Daily Quests

Daily Quests provides you with 50 V-Bucks every day, there are a few quests that give you more V-Bucks but those are rare. You will automatically acquire Daily Quest every day after you successfully completed the tutorial. Daily Quests are very rarely done on a single mission, usually, it will take you about 2 or 3 missions to complete them. There are a few Daily Quests that are more of an annoyance like the ‘Teddy Bears’ and ‘Server Racks’ quests as these are more demanding. Lucky you can replace a Daily Quest with another one once a day, so use your personal judgment if you are up for the task.

Timed Missions

Timed Missions in Fortnite will grant you bonus rewards like; evolution materials, experience, schematics, heroes, defenders, survivors, perk resources, Transform Keys, or V-Bucks and they can be claimed after completing the mission. The further your progress is in Save the World the more timed missions alerts you can get. You can spot Timed Missions on the map as they are marked with a clock sign. There are a various type of Timed Missions, however, only the Mini-Boss missions will reward you with V-Bucks (and Legendary Transform Keys). While V-Bucks as a Mini-Boss mission reward is pretty common, don’t worry if you didn’t get that Mission Alert because Times Missions will rotate every 6 hours. The rewards are around 25 to 40 V-Bucks on a single mission. But don’t count yourself rich yet as it is important to note that there is a cap which limits your Mini-Boss mission bonus rewards to 3 a day. If you completed and try to claim your Mini-Boss reward more than 3 times you will return empty-handed.

Collection Book

By upgrading your Collection Book in Fortnite you could earn some V-Bucks. At levels 6, 26, and 91 you would be rewarded with 500 V-bucks each, however, since patch 6.30 Epic Games did a complete overhaul on the collection book rewards and the V-buck got removed as one of the possible rewards.


There is always an event running on Fortnite and these can also reward you with V-Bucks. So play, have fun, and stack up those V-Bucks!


Is it worth buying Fortnite Save the World? In my opinion, it definitely is, unless Epic Games decides to announce the game will be Free to Play tomorrow.  But as always “founders” always have additional perks. If you play Save the World for 2 weeks you should be able to acquire more V-Buck then that you would have spent buying actual V-Bucks from the store.


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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