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How to get Pearlescent Weapons in Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep

Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-Shot Adventure Guide
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Pearlescent Weapons
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Pearlescent Weapons

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep Pearlescent Weapons

Pearlescent Weapons are in Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-Shot Adventure. In Borderlands 2 you could obtain these super rare items by farming tubby enemies. In this Stand-Alone adventure, you can acquire Pearlescents by farming the Slot Machines.

Update: Pearlescent Weapons are lost via sanity check the moment a ‘save & quit’ happens.

PEARLESCENTS Exist in Dragon Keep!!.. Or do they?

Tiny Tina’s Lootsplosion Slot Machine

You can find 2 Slot Machines in Flamerock Refuge, they are located in the back of Moxxi’s Bar. Playing these slot machines costs 2 Eridium and can result in various payouts.


2 Matching and 1 FleshstickRandom White Rarity Item
2 Matching and 1 Die/Rainbow1 Eridium 
2 Dice and 1 random1 Eridium
3 FleshsticksShock Explosion
3 RainbowsCash Explosion
3 TNT PlungersBlue Rarity Item
3 TeapotsRandom Shield (which can be Legendary)
3 CupcakesRandom Grenade Mod (which can be Legendary)
3 Rabbit HeadsPurple Parity Item
3 BAR symbols4 Eridium
3 Vault SymbolsLegendary or Pearlescent Rarity Item
3 DiceDice Roll Event
Tiny Tina’s Lootsplosion Slot Machine Rewards from BL2 DLC4

Dice Roll

3 Dice Symbols will trigger a Dice Roll Event. A 20-sided die will roll and the number it lands on will determine the loot.

1 – 7No Prize
8 – 12Free Spin
13 – 15Blue Rarity Item
16 – 17Purple Rarity Item
18 – 193 Seraph Crystals
20 (Vault Symbol)Legendary or Pearlescent Rarity Item
Tiny Tina’s Lootsplosion Slot Machine Dice Roll Rewards BL2 DLC4

Pearlescent Weapons

These Pearlescent Weapons are confirmed in Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-Shot Adventure.

NameWeapon TypeSpecial Ability
AvengerTediore SMGRefills SMG Ammo, Throws like a Bouncing Betty
BearcatDahl Assault RifleShoots 3 Grenades
ButcherHyperion ShotgunRandomly Refills Ammo
SawbarBandit Assault RifleProjectiles spawn 3 more bullets after a set amount of time
StalkerVladof PistolProjectiles bounce of surfaces up to 5 times
StormMaliwan SniperSpawns 5 Electric Orbs on impact
TunguskaTorgue Rocket LauncherProjectile rises into the air after impact and explodes.
UnforgivenJakobs PistolHigh Crit Damage
Items confirmed by EpicNNG, Stevekiller568, and ZetaDaemon
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