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How to unlock all Battleborn heroes

Battleborn - how to unlock heroes
Battleborn - how to unlock heroes

Battleborn has a wide range of playable characters to choose from. At launch, the game will have 25 heroes and more will be added as downloadable content in the future. To prevent the players from overwhelming with this amount of characters in the roster Gearbox has locked away some heroes. Also, some heroes have a bigger learning curve than others. Learning a new game and mastering a complex character might be too much. Battleborn heroes can be unlocked by playing the game, each hero has its own goals to achieve in order to get access to them. This can be getting a specific rank or completing a challenge.  You start the game off with 7 unique heroes, these provide you with an easy-to-learn set of heroes to dive into the game.

Starter Characters

Unlock Battleborn

To unlock one of the other Battleborn heroes you have to complete one of these objectives in order to get access to that specific character. You can unlock them by naturally leveling up your command rank by playing the game. With Rank unlock you will get a new hero every 2 command ranks. However, there are faster ways to unlock characters by going for the challenge unlock. So do you want to find out the quickest way to unlock characters check out the following list.

BattlebornRank UnlockChallenge Unlock
AlaniDLC Character
AmbraCommand Rank 14Win 5 matches as a Jennerit character.
AttikusCommand Rank 32Kill 800 Jennerit enemies.
BeatrixDLC Character
BenedictCommand Rank 10Win 5 matches as a Peacekeeper character.
BoldurCommand Rank 26Complete “The Experiment”
CaldariusCommand Rank 28Complete “The Renegade”
DeandeCommand Rank 38Complete “The Heliophage” on Advanced.
El DragónCommand Rank 20Win 5 matches as an LLC character.
ErnestDLC Character
GalileaCommand Rank 12Kill 800 minions of any type.
GhaltCommand Rank 40Earn a Silver rating on all Story missions on Advanced difficulty
ISICCommand Rank 30Complete “The Algorithm”
KelvinCommand Rank 18Win 5 matches as an Eldrid character
Kid UltraDLC Character
KleeseCommand Rank 36Earn a Silver rating on all Story missions.
MarquisStarter Characters
MellkaCommand Rank 34Complete “The Heliophage”
MikoStarter Characters
MontanaStarter Characters
OrendiStarter Characters
Oscar MikeStarter Characters
PendlesDLC Character
PhoebeCommand Rank 22Kill 50 enemy players.
RathStarter Characters
ReynaCommand Rank 8Get 50 assists in Versus matches.
Shane & AuroxCommand Rank 6Complete 5 co-op missions or matches with at least one player.
ThornStarter Characters
TobyCommand Rank 24Win 5 matches as a Rogue character.
Whiskey FoxtrotCommand Rank 16Win 15 matches.

DLC Heroes

The other Battleborn heroes that were added as free DLC have different requirements in order to unlock them. If you have the season pass, which is also part of the digital deluxe edition, you will receive a hero key. With this key, you can unlock any character that you haven’t unlocked yet. If you unlock one of the standard 25 heroes that are part of the base game you will get your hero key back once you have completed the hero’s requirement. If you use the hero key on the additional heroes you will lose that key. If you don’t have any hero keys you can unlock these by buying them with in-game credits. These credits are earned by simply playing the game.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. I did Ambra’s challange but it still has a lock on it saying I need to get to rank 14

    • sorry to hear that, did you try log out and back into the game. its possible that the server needs to catch up.

      • I think it was just a bug because it’s still in beta since I dint unlock her until rank 14

  2. I think PlayStation 4 is getting a little more bonuses than it should!

  3. After playing all characters during open beta and settling on Deande as my main, I’ll be playing through the story and completing the Heliophage on advanced just to unlock her.
    But my question is this: Do you know if you will have to complete the previous mission on advanced to be able to play advanced on the next mission? i.e. If I complete The Algorithm on normal, will I only be able to play The Void’s Edge on normal until I complete the Algorithm on advanced? Advanced isn’t a problem for me but I’d rather take the fast track if that’s an option.

  4. We need unlocker for everything like in BL1-2


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