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How to use emotes in Borderlands 3

Emotes in Borderlands 3
Emotes in Borderlands 3

You can use emotes to express yourself in Borderlands 3 but the game doesn’t properly explain how they work. Personally, I enjoyed the taunts in Gearbox’s other title, Battleborn. I haven’t had much time with the Borderlands 3 emotes at the time of writing, however, it’s cool to see your character in action than just in the menu.

How to use Emotes on PlayStation or Xbox?

PlayStation and Xbox Player need to hold down the Pause button to use Emotes. This will prompt a choice wheel and allow you to choose one of the available options. Pressing the button will just Pause the game.

  • PlayStation: Hold the Options button.
  • Xbox Controller: Hold the Hamburger Menu button.

How to use Emotes on PC?

PC players need to press the Z-key on their keyboard to use Emotes. This will prompt a choice wheel and allow you to choose one of the available options. You don’t need to hold down the key like Console players have to do. The Z-key is the default setting but you can rebind the emote menu to a different key if that’s more comfortable for you.

  • Press Z: Emote Menu
  • Press Arrow Keys (U,D,L,R): Perform pre-set Emote

How to get new Emotes?

There are 4 default Emotes when starting Borderlands 3, however, you can obtain more of them throughout the game. You can get them as a reward for completing a challenge or purchase them from Crazy Earl.

Crazy Earl can be found in the Carbo Bay aboard Sanctuary III. He will sell you all sorts of cosmetic items and emotes to express yourself, if you have the Eridium to pay for it.

How to equip Emotes?

You can equip your new emotes at a Quick Change Station. You encountered one at the start of the game but there is also one near the Fast Travel Station aboard Sanctuary III.

There is an Emote Menu in the Quick Change Station where you can change the 4 emote slots.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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