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How to Get Every Shrine Piece in Tiny Tina Wonderlands

How to get every shrine piece in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Location Guide
How to get every shrine piece in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Shrine Location Guide

There are 6 Shrines on the Overworld of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. These Shrines are part of the Campaign Challenges and provide you with a permanent boost when you complete them. Each Overworld Shrine provides a different boost. There is bonus Gold Gain, Experience Gain, Overworld Movement Speed, Crit Damage, Loot Luck, Moon Orb Gain. In order to receive these boosts, you need to collect all the Shrine pieces of the individual Shrines. In this Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Guide, I’ll help you find all the Shrine Pieces.

Shrine of Mool Ah Piece Locations

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Mool Ah Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Mool Ah Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map

You will need to collect 3 shrine pieces to complete the shrine of Mool Ah. If you successfully do this you will get a +10% Gold Gain Bonus. Since money is very valuable in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, this boost is very welcome and you can easily pick obtain it at the beginning of the game. Here you can find all the Shrine Pieces for the Shrine of Mool Ah.

  • Mool Ah Shrine Piece 1: The first Mool Ah shrine piece is introduced to you through the quest; Knife to Meet You, as you complete that dungeon, you will obtain the first Shrine piece.
  • Mool Ah Shrine Piece 2: You can find this piece on the Overworld. If you travel to the left of the Mooh Al Shrine, you will need to enter the mine. After completing this dungeon, you will exit on the other side. Now it’s an easy walk to the Mool Ah Shrine Piece.
  • Mool Ah Shrine Piece 3: You can find the next Mool Ah shrine piece on the other side of the mountain where the Shrine is located. Travel to the right of the Mool Ah Shrine and keep to the left. Go passed the small camp and enter the ruin. After completing this dungeon, you will be rewarded with the final Mool Ah Shrine piece.

Shrine of Grindanna Piece Locations

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Grindanna Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Grindanna Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map

You will need to collect 4 shrine pieces and complete the Shrine of Grindanna. If you successfully do this you will get a +10% Experience Gain Bonus. This will help you level up and reach the level cap more easily. Here you can find all the Shrine Pieces for the Shrine of Grindanna.

  • Grindanna Shrine Piece 1: You can find the first shrine piece in the mine at the foot of the Shrine of Grindanna. At the end of this dungeon, you will earn the shrine piece.
  • Grindanna Shrine Piece 2: You can find the second shrine piece in the Temple at the edge of the map. It’s located to the left of the Shrine of Grindanna. You will need to go through the tall grass and enter the door with the skull on it. After completing a series of dungeons you are rewarded with a shrine piece.
  • Grindanna Shrine Piece 3: You can find the third shrine piece in a mine dungeon on the other side of Brighthoof. It’s the one with a broken pirate ship on it.
  • Grindanna Shrine Piece 4: The final shrine piece can only be obtained after getting Margravine glasses since these let you see hidden bridges. You get this after completing the “Ballad of Bones” story quest. If you completed this quest you can simply continue your path through the mine that contained the 3rd shrine piece. Go over the hidden bridge and make your way up the mountain. You can get the final shrine piece by completing the temple with the skull door.

Shrine of Zoomios Piece Locations

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Shrine Locations Zoomios
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Shrine Locations Zoomios

You will need to collect 4 shrine pieces and complete the Shrine of Zoomios. If you successfully do this you will get a +15% Overworld Movement Speed Bonus. This is great as you will be spending some time traversing the Overworld. Here you can find all the Shrine Pieces for the Shrine of Zoomios.

Zoomios Shrine Piece 1: You can find the first shrine piece in the temple across from the Shrine of Zoomios. You can recognize it by the door with the skull on it. At the end of this series of dungeons, you will earn the shrine piece.
Zoomios Shrine Piece 2: You will need to travel towards Mount Craw. If you haven’t helped Borpo build the rainbow bridge, you first need to get his blueprints. Go over the rainbow bridge and follow the path towards Mount Craw. If you crossed the wooden bridge, you need to go left and enter the mine dungeon. Smash away the tree trunks to gain access. After completing this dungeon, you will earn the Shrine Piece.
Zoomios Shrine Piece 3: The third shrine piece is on the other side of the area where you got the 2nd Shrine Piece. So instead of going right after coming from the rainbow bridge, you make a left. Go through the tall grass and over the eraser. There you will find a door with the skull on it. After completing this series of dungeons you will be rewarded with a Shrine Piece.
Zoomios Shrine Piece 4: The fourth Shrine piece is locked behind a giant door just outside Brighthoof. In order to get access to this gate, you will need to complete a side quest for Paladin Mike. You will need to clear three camps anywhere in the Overworld. Afterward, you will need to meet up with his apprentice and he will open the door that contains the last shrine piece.

Shrine of Throatus Punchus Piece Locations

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Throatus Punchus Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Throatus Punchus Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map

You will need to collect 4 shrine pieces and complete the Shrine of Throatus Punchus. If you successfully do this you will get a +10% Crit Damage Bonus. But let’s get honest, who doesn’t want more damage to their build? Here you can find all the Shrine Pieces for the Shrine of Throatus Punchus.

Throatus Punchus Shrine Piece 1: Fall down the cliff at the Shrine of Throatus Punchus. Now follow the path to the left towards Crackmast Cove. However, instead of going right at the conjunction towards Crackmast Cove, go left through the tall grass and inside the mine. After completing his dungeon, you will earn a Shrine Piece.
Throatus Punchus Shrine Piece 2: Back at the foot of Shrine of Throatus Punchus where I told you to fall down. Well, now follow that path to the right. You will come across a small temple on your path. It sits against a rock surrounded by water. Complete this dungeon and you will have your second shrine piece.
Throatus Punchus Shrine Piece 3: Continue your path from the second Shrine piece and make a left over the Eraser. On the other side, you will see a door with a skull on it. Complete this series of dungeons to obtain the 3rd shrine piece.
Throatus Punchus Shrine Piece 4: After having done the 3rd Shrine Piece, continue your path passed “God’s Well”. There you will encounter Lisha & Crabert, walk past them and you will find a mine. Complete this dungeon to get the last Shrine Piece.

Shrine of Aaron G Piece Locations

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Aaron G Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Aaron G Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map

You will need to collect 4 shrine pieces and complete the Shrine of Aaron G. If you successfully do this you will get a +10% Loot Luck Bonus. Which is a big thing in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. You definitely want to increase your loot luck as it helps you get legendary gear. Here you can find all the Shrine Pieces for the Shrine of Aaron G.

Aaron G Shrine Piece 1: There is a fort just beside the Shrine of Aaron G. Complete this dungeon and you gain your first Shrine Piece.
Aaron G Shrine Piece 2: There is a temple on the other side of the Shrine of Aaron G. Complete this dungeon and you will obtain your second Shrine Piece.
Aaron G Shrine Piece 3: In order to get access to this Shrine Piece you will need to complete the side mission Pocket Sandstorm. An NPC, Blatherskite, will be standing in front of the hill and ask you to get him some sand. After completing this side mission, you can enter the temple with the skull door. When you complete this series of dungeons you get the 3rd Shrine Piece.
Aaron G Shrine Piece 4: The final shrine piece is on the other side of this section of the map. Go past Sunfang Oasis to the edge of the map. There you will need to deactivate a barrier.

Shrine of The Crazed Earl Piece Locations

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands The Crazed Earl Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands The Crazed Earl Shrine Locations on the Overworld Map

You will need to collect 4 shrine pieces and complete the Shrine of The Crazed Earl. If you successfully do this you will get a +10% Moon Orb Gain Bonus. Which will be helpful for your endgame builds. Here you can find all the Shrine Pieces for the Shrine of The Crazed Earl Shrine.

The Crazed Earl Shrine Piece 1: In order to reach the Shrine of The Crazed Earl, you will need to clear a temple as this will take you from the lower section up to the higher section on the map. This dungeon will provide you with the first Shrine Piece. Be sure to knock over the bottlecap while you are up there.
The Crazed Earl Shrine Piece 2: The second Shrine Piece can be found southwest of the Shrine of the Crazed Earl. Travel across the lake and through the tall grass to enter the temple on the other side. Here you will find the 2nd Shrine Piece.
The Crazed Earl Shrine Piece 3: The Dungeon of the 2nd Shrine Piece will grant you access to the top of that hill. There you can cross a hidden bridge to gain access to the geyser, which will launch you towards the temple door with a skull on it. Complete this series of dungeons to obtain the 3rd Shrine Piece.
The Crazed Earl Shrine Piece 4: For the fourth Shrine Piece you will need to talk to Dardanos, a Cyclops, who can be found next to the previous dungeon. You will need to complete his Eye Lost It Side Quest and he will smash away the popcorn that was blocking your way to the 4th Shrine Piece.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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