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Tina’s Wonderlands Character Background Stories and their Impact

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Backstory
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Backstory

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands offers a ton of ways to customize your character. One of the things that have an impact on your character is your backstory.

Just like selecting your primary class, your backstory is set in stone. You cannot change where you came from but you can change how you become. Because your origin story has an impact on your starting stats that you can later increase with hero points.

Here is everything you need to know about Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Twist of Fate.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Character Background

There are 5 different backstories in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Each origin story impacts your starting stats differently as they can increase or decrease aspects of your character.

After you have chosen your background story, you will be rewarded with 10 Hero Points allowing you to adjust your starting stats. This gives you the ability to negate those weaknesses or increase the stats you already excel in.

Here are all the character background stories in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands that are presented during your “Twist of Fate” choice.

Village Idiot

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Village Idiot Background Story

Oh, you sweet large child. Blessed with looks, muscles, and exactly two brain cells that never call each other, you are made in the image of the gods. Specifically Bellothion, God of Himbos. You were always destined either for greatness or to be legally categorized as construction equipment.

Strength18+8+10.0 % Crit Damage
Dexterity10+0.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence7-3-3.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom7-3-6.0 % Status Damage
Constitution10+0.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement10+0.0 % Skill Cooldown

Raised by Elves

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Raised by Elvesackground Story

You really don’t like bringing it up, but you grew up in an Elven commune. A steady diet of uncooked leaves and tree sap has left you light on your feet but scrawny. Also, if you have to hear one more harp solo in your life, you’re gonna lose your gourd.

Strength10+0.0 % Crit Damage
Dexterity14+4+8.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence10+0.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom10+0.0 % Status Damage
Constitution6-4-10.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement12+2+2.0 % Skill Cooldown

Failed Monk

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Failed Monk Background Story

A powerful calling led you to leave your life behind and travel to a mountain monastery, where you could learn ancient teachings and contemplate the meaning of all things in peace. Then you emptied a chamber pot out the window and hit the head monk mid-yawn. Fearing that vows of nonviolence can only extend so far, you fled in the night, seeking another calling.

If you are a Nerd, you excel in Elemental Damage and Magic Spell Cooldown, however, you are lacking with your Critical Hit Damage and Critical Hit Chance.

Strength6-4-5.0 % Crit Damage
Dexterity8-2-4.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence13+3+3.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom16+6+12.0 % Status Damage
Constitution10+0.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement10+0.0 % Skill Cooldown

Recovering Inventory Hoarder

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Recovering Inventory Hoarder Background Story

You once scrambled across your fantastical world, stuffing your pockets with every last candlestick and wheel of cheese you could sweep off the shelves. You’ve sworn off junk, but now your eye turns towards implements of destruction and their gleaming loot beams.

If you are a Packrat, you excel in Action Skill and Magic Spell Cooldowns, however, you are lacking with your Base Critical Hit Chance and have a reduced health bar.

Strength10+0.0 % Crit Damage
Dexterity8-2-4.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence12+2+2.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom10+0.0 % Status Damage
Constitution8-2-5.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement15+5+5.0 % Skill Cooldown

Rogue Alchemist

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Rogue Alchemist Background Story

The Royal Alchemist Society strictly regulates transmutation magic. Screw those guys! You made a name for yourself hawking off-brand affordable jewelry, but are recently unemployed and on the run after the local baron discovered his new golden amulet was made of chocolate.

Strength10+0.0 % Crit Damage
Dexterity8-2-4.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence10+0.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom18+8+16.0 % Status Damage
Constitution5-5-12.5 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement12+2+2.0 % Skill Cooldown

New Background Stories

Gearbox Software added new background stories to Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands when they released their fourth DLC, Shattering Spectreglass. Here are the new choices that are added to the “Twist of Fate”.

Nerfed by the Bunkermaster

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Nerfed by Bunker Master Background Story

Like that one goddess from that one mythology we’re trying to stop naming things after., you burst forth fully formed from a god’s head. You’re good at pretty much everything! In fact, too good. The Bunker Master didn’t mean to give you this character. So, uhhhh… here, you’ll take a Dexterity hit. Yeah, that’s probably balanced.

Strength12+2+2.5 % Crit Damage
Dexterity2-8-16.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence12+2+2.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom12+2+4.0 % Status Damage
Constitution12+2+5.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement12+2+2.0 % Skill Cooldown


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Clownblood Background Story

Ah! Oh! Hohoh! There’s a curse in your blood, stranger. Somewhere snarled in the fetid roots of your family tree is a pair of comically oversized shoes. Do you hear it? The honking? The chortles? Yes… The forbidden knowledge of the clown flows through your veins.

Strength12+2+2.5 % Crit Damage
Dexterity10+0.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence18+8+8.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom7-3-6.0 % Status Damage
Constitution10+0.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement6-4-4.0 % Skill Cooldown

Apprentice Barnacle Scraper

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Apprentice Barnacle Scraper Background Story

From the day you laid eyes on your first galleon, encrusted in sea warts from the pox’d kiss of the Umpteen Seas, it was your dream to someday wedge a chisel underneath those bad boys. It wasn’t long before that dream became reality. You have a dockworker’s brawn and a union paycheck, but now it’s time for a new, less stupid dream.

Strength13+3+3.8 % Crit Damage
Dexterity10+0.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence4-6-6.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom10+0.0 % Status Damage
Constitution10+0.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement17+7+7.0 % Skill Cooldown

Street Urchin Success Story

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Street Urchin Success Story Background Story

It’s the oldest story in the book. You and your filthy crew of pickpockets and thieves had found yourselves one last job – the Big One. Something stank about it – worse than you – but you were just malnourished and desperate enough to try it. We all know what happened next: it went pretty well. You all made a comfortable amount of money and moved out to the suburbs. Sometimes you write letters to each other, but it’s been a while.

Strength14+4+5.0 % Crit Damage
Dexterity10+0.0 % Crit Chance
Intelligence15+5+5.0 % Spell Cooldown
Wisdom10+0.0 % Status Damage
Constitution4-6-15.0 % Max HP/Ward
Attunement10+0.0 % Skill Cooldown

Best Backgrounds in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

You can choose a lot of different character backgrounds in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Each origin story provides you with different stats that determine your character’s capabilities.

Each background story plays into a specific play style. Something for your character to excel in but also balancing it by adding weakness.

Because you can spend 10 Hero Points after you have chosen your backstory, you can negate that weakness at the start. Therefore, you should look at the endgame build and focus on the stat you want to boost. Because you are raising that hero stat’s maximum level.

The overall best character background is Village Idiot because it increases your character’s damage.

Another good choice would be Nerfed by the Bunkermaster as it doesn’t really have a weakness. The only thing it has going against you is a reduced Dexterity but since that stat doesn’t really have an impact it doesn’t hurt as much. Because Dexterity is calculated over the 5% Crit Chance instead of directly increasing the number.

Hero Point Attributes

Each Hero Point Attributes affects a specific stat on your character, they are crucial to creating the ultimate character build, you can even increase certain stats even more by leveling up your Myth Rank.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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