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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Loot Room Legendaries

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Chaos Chamber Loot Room Legendaries
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Chaos Chamber Loot Room Legendaries

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands introduces you to the Chaos Chambers after the conclusion of the main story campaign as its main End Game activity. The Chaos Chamber Loot Room, which can be accessed by completing a series of dungeons, contains the opportunity to legendary loot because Gearbox Software added 3 vending machines to this rewards room through a patch update.

The vending machines in the Chaos Chamber Loot Room have a dedicated legendary item as its ‘Item of the Day’, or should I say; “Item of the Week”, as Gearbox Software will be rotating these legendaries every Thursday by 9:00 AM PT. Therefore, each week there will be a random set of Legendary items available and I’ll keep you informed about which items are on sale.

These vending machines aren’t just handy to sell the barf bunny loot you aren’t going to use but they are also a good way to get a specific roll or Enchantment on a legendary item. That said, you can always use the re-roll machine in Brighthoof, the Chaos Chamber, or Dreamveil Overlook to change the Enchantment on your gear.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Chaos Chamber Loot Room Vending Machines
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – Chaos Chamber Loot Room Vending Machines

What items does the Chaos Chamber loot room have?

You can get these legendary items in the Chaos Chamber Loot Room from Jan 9 to Jan 16, 2025.

Note: your character needs to be Max Level in order for these legendary items to appear in the vending machines but you don’t have to do the Chaos Trials unless you want Chaos Gear.

Additional Resources

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Gold Guide
Check out this How to Quickly Get Money guide if you don’t have enough money to purchase these Legendary items
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Mini-Event Calendar
Did you know that the Mini-Events also rotate on a 5-week cycle? Check Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Mini-Event Calendar to see which event is now active.
Chaos Chamber Legendary Loot Pool Overview

The vending machines in the Chaos Chamber Loot Room have 40 different loot pools and rotate in a fixed linear pattern. This means that this list will repeat itself every 40 weeks.

Loot PoolSpell ShopShield ShopWeapon Shop
1Smart ArmorTransistorManual Transmission
3Arcane BoltPeg LegCannonballer
4Blaze of GlorySelective AmnesiaMage Staff
5Threads of FateUndead PactPerceiver
6ReviverPandemeciumWizard’s pipe
7Corrupted PlatemailCursed WitBorea’s Breath
8MarshmallowTrick MirrorPeg Leg
9Mage StaffBlaze of GloryReign of Arrows
10Overflow BloodbagDeathless MantleWhite Rider
11Arcane BoltDiamond GauntletsTwin Soul
12Threads of FateHead of the SnakeLiquid Cooling
13Time SkipTransistorManual Transmission
14MarshmallowSelective AmnesiaStorm Surge
15Glacial CascadeUndead PactKao Khan
16CannonballerDiamond GauntletsSwordsplosion
17Arcane BoltManual TransmissionWizard’s pipe
18Twin SoulFrenzied WrathRuby’s Spite
19Arcane BoltLast GaspBarrelmaker
20InflammationAncient DeityDry’l’s Fury
21ReviverTrick MirrorBoniface’s Soul
22TwisterPandemeciumFragment Rain
23BarrelmakerSmart ArmorManual Transmission
25Threads of FateHead of the SnakeReign of Arrows
26Diamondguard SwordArcane BoltSpellblade
27InflammationAncient DeityDry’l’s Fury
28Threads of FateHead of the SnakeReign of Arrows
29Glacial CascadeSelective AmnesiaFragment Rain
30Corrupted PlatemailCalamityPerceiver
31Glacial CascadeTransistorBorea’s Breath
33Blaze of GloryTrick MirrorPortable Sawmill
34Diamondguard SwordDiamond GauntletsThreads of Fate
35LaserhandFull BatteryWizard’s Pipe
36DazzlerFull BatteryMarshmallow
37Time SkipCorrupted PlatemailFatebreaker
38Fragment RainDiamond GauntletsArcane Bolt
39Wizard’s PipeBarrelmakerGoblin Pickaxe
40TwisterWailing BansheeAutomagic.exe
Chaos Chamber Legendary Loot Calendar
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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