Borderlands 3 Zane Class Mods
Zane the Operative has some really good legendary class mods. You should definitely check out the Seein’Dead, Conductor, and Antifreeze Class Mods. These are the popular class mods that are being used in the best Zane Builds.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Antifreeze
The Antifreeze is a legendary operative class mod that is all about SPEED = KILLS. Because when you are sliding or airborne, Zane gains 40% weapon damage and 20% damage reduction. Also when you are slowed, Zane gains 25% movement speed. The Antifreeze is Mayhem Mode 4 or higher Legendary. You can get it from Arbelest of Discipline who is located on the proving ground; Trial of Discipline.
- Supersonic Man
- This skill gives Zane a bonus to movement speed for each of his active Action Skills.
- Violent Speed
- This skill gives Zane a bonus to movement speed for a short time after he kills an enemy. This effect stacks twice.
- Violent Momentum
- This skill gives Zane a gun damage bonus which increases with his movement speed.
Cold Warrior
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Cold Warrior
The Cold Warrior is an Operative Class Mod that gives you a bit of everything, survivability, additional weapon damage, and elemental damage. Because when an enemy is frozen, a random status effect is applied. The Cold Warrior can be obtained during the Trial of Supremacy that is located in the Hall Obsidian, it has a high chance of dropping from Sera of Supremacy.
- Trick of the Light
- This skill allows Zane’s attacks to deal additional cryo damage to enemies who are not targeting him. The bonus damage is based on the initial damage dealt.
- Ready for Action
This skill increases the recharge rate and decreases the recharge delay of Zane’s shield.
- Synchronicity
- This skill gives Zane a bonus to gun damage for each of his active Action Skills.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Conductor
The Conductor is an Operative Class Mod that allows you to extend your action skill duration and deal additional shock damage based on the amount of action skill duration you have left. Zane gains up to 25% Bonus Shock Damage based on his remaining action skill duration. The more duration remaining, the greater the bonus. This effect stacks. The Conductor can be obtained in the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC as a world drop.
- Good Misfortune
- Kill Skill. Killing an enemy increases Zane’s Action Skill Duration. This skill has diminishing returns. Up to 5% max duration Duration Return
- Borrowed Time
- Zane gains increased Action Skill Duration for every active Action Skill. 30% Action Skill Duration per active Action Skill
- Adrenaline
- Zane gains increased Action Skill Cooldown Rate. This bonus is based on the amount of shield he has. The more percent full, the greater the bonus. Up to 4% Action Skill Cooldown Rate.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Executor
The Executor is an Operative Class Mod that boosts a lot of good skills but only if you manage to get a kill. When an enemy is killed, Zane gains increased accuracy, handling, critical hit damage, status effect damage, and status effect chance. The Executor can be obtained during the Trial of Survival that is located in the Gradient of Dawn, it has a high chance of dropping from Skag of Survival.
- Good Misfortune
- This skill increases the duration of Zane’s Action Skills after he kills an enemy. This effect has diminishing returns.
- Playing Dirty
After Zane kills an enemy, each of his next five shots has a chance to fire one additional projectile.
- Violent Violence
- This skill increases Zane’s fire rate for a short time after he kills an enemy. This effect stacks twice.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Infiltrator
The Infiltrator is an Operative Class Mod that gives you a lot of speed and weapon damage at the cost of your shield. When an action skill is activated, his shield is depleted. You could run the Infiltrator with a rough rider shield that already has zero shield capacity but gives you a 23% incoming damage reduction and 35% health increase. You can also pick up a Stop-Gap that makes you immune to damage for 5 seconds on shield break. Zane gains increased weapon damage and movement speed. The lower his shield, the greater the bonus. The Infiltrator can be obtained during the Trial of Instinct that is located in the Wayward Tether, it has a high chance of dropping from the Tyrant of Instinct.
- Like a Ghost
- This skill gives Zane and his Digi-Clone a chance to ignore bullets. This chance is increased for a short time each time Zane activates an Action Skill.
- Supersonic Man
This skill gives Zane a bonus to movement speed for each of his active Action Skills.
- Violent Momentum
- This skill gives Zane a gun damage bonus which increases with his movement speed.
Seein’ Dead
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Seein’ Dead
The Seein’ Dead is a legendary operative class mod that is all about keeping your action skills active. Whenever Zane damages an enemy with his weapon, he has a chance to automatically activate all of his Kill Skills. This effect can simply be triggered by using multi pellet weapons. By spec-ing into the passive skill ‘Good Misfortune‘, you can keep your action skills active all the time. Until you stop damaging enemies. Additionally, his Kill Skills gain a bonus +25% effect bonus. The Seein’ Dead class mod can be only be obtained in Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC, it’s a world drop but it’s likely you can obtain it from Jackbot who is located in the VIP Tower.
- Donnybrook
- This skill gives Zane and his Digi-Clone health regeneration and increased gun damage for a short time after Zane kills an enemy. This effect stacks twice.
- Playing Dirty
- This skill has a chance to add an additional projectile for the next 5 shots after Zane has killed an enemy.
- Violent Violence
- This skill increases Zane’s fire rate for a short time after he kills an enemy. This effect stacks twice.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Shockerator
The Shockerator is an Operative Class Mod that grants Zane’s Digi-Clone the Binary System augment. Whenever Zane’s clone receives melee damage, it creates a shock nova around it. The Shockerator can be obtained during the Trial of Survival that is located in the Gradient of Dawn, it has a high chance of dropping from Skag of Survival.
- Best Served Cold
- Whenever Zane kills an enemy, a cryo nova is created at the enemy’s location, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
- Duct Tape Mod
This skill gives Zane a chance to also fire a grenade with the first shot fired from his gun.
- Pocket Full of Grenades
- This skill allows Zane to regenerate grenades for a short time after he kills an enemy. This effect stacks twice.
Borderlands 3 Legendary Operative Class Mod – Techspert
The Techspert is an Operative Class Mod that adds survivability to your build and has a chance to recharge your drone. With its kill skill you have a 5% chance to recharge SNTNL cooldown and duration. The Techspert can be obtained during the Trial of Discipline that is located in the Precipice Anchor, it has a high chance of dropping from Arbalest of Discipline.
- Rise to the Occasion
- This skill gives Zane constant health regeneration. The lower his shield is, the faster the regeneration.
- Ready for Action
This skill increases the recharge rate and decreases the recharge delay of Zane’s shield.
- Really Expensive Jacket
- This skill reduces the duration of all elemental status effects applied to Zane