
Immortals of Aveum - Timeburst

Timeburst is a Green Fury Spell in Immortals of Aveum that slows down time in a large area around you. You are also affected by the spell.

Magic Color:Green
Magic Type:Fury

How to get the Timeburst Spell

Immortals of Aveum Shroudfane - Howler Fane Map Location

Are you missing talents in your Green Skill Tree? Well, you missed collecting the optional Green Fury Spell called Timeburst.

You can obtain the Timeburst fury by completing the Howler Fane that is hidden in the Shrineforge map. You will gain access to this map in Chapter 11. Once you completed your main quest inside the Shrineforge, there is a light beam you can activate near the exit of the temple. Activate the beam and follow it through by activating multiple switches to redirect the light to open the gate to this hidden Shroudfane.

Timeburst Upgrades

Timeburst has its own dedicated upgrades in the Talent Tree.

Green Timeburst SkillCostPowerDescription
Entropic Decay1+5Timeburst applies a stack of Decay damage over time to each affected enemy.
Exalted Timeburst1+5Increase the duration of Timeburst by 3 seconds.
Devoured by the Void2+5Weaker enemies caught by a Vortex Spell are instantly killed while under the effect of Timeburst.

Timeburst Notes

  • You as the player are also affected by the slowing down of time.
  • Timeburst benefits from:
    • Green Magic increases
    • Fury Damage increases
    • Timeburst Damage increases
    • Timeburst Duration increases

Timeburst Gear

These items increase Timeburst’s powers.

Crystal Bracer

Immortals of Aveum - Bracer - Crystal Bracer
  • Armor
  • Fury Damage
  • All Magic Power

Aristeyan Ring

Immortals of Aveum - Ring - Aristeyan Ring
  • Fury Damage

Mana Ring

Immortals of Aveum - Ring - Mana Ring
  • Fury Mana Regeneration
  • Fury Damage

Fury Ring

Immortals of Aveum - Ring - Fury Ring
  • Fury Damage


Immortals of Aveum - Bracer - Xerexes
  • Armor
  • Fury Damage
  • Fury Mana Regeneration

Magnus Bracer

Immortals of Aveum - Bracer - Magnus Bracer
  • Armor
  • Fury Damage

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