(Battleplan 30: 12/8/16)
(Mail exchange retrieved from an archived investigation into the Mistress of Sciences, Lady Vurien, performed by Deande. Archived record is dated 19905.12 – .19)
From: b.z.lucavi@archsci
To: n.d.vurien@archsci
Subject: Approval Request
Lady Vurien,
At the urging of the Imperial Arch-Sciences division council, I’ve assembled a research team (despite my qualification to fill all necessary roles myself) and I’m prepared to move forward with a project, pending the council’s approval and grant disbursal.
Please see the attached proposal for an AI developmental program I’ve been tinkering with.
[Project JANUS: Jennerit Autonomous Networked Übermind Simulacrum]
From: n.d.vurien@archsci
To: b.z.lucavi@archsci
Subject: Re: Approval Request
Dr. Lucavi,
While your youthful zeal is appreciated, it must be tempered with pragmatism. The experiments outlined in your proposal are monumental in scope; the costs alone are deterrent enough. Weighed along with the societal risks posed by a ”cybernetic viral intelligence” (as you so charmingly put it), I’ve half a mind to issue a formal rebuke for such audacity.
Your proposal is denied.
We’ve enough troubles with AI as it stands, thanks to those plutocratic half-wits in the LLC.
From: b.z.lucavi@archsci
To: n.d.vurien@archsci
Subject: Approval Request (REVISED)
Lady Vurien,
I feel it incumbent upon me to mention that in the face of others’ failure, we stand to gain all the more through success.
However, per your instruction, I have significantly reduced the scope of my latest proposal with comparison to the previous.
The attached proposal outlines what should be a much more amenable undertaking.
[Project NERGAL: Nullification of Entropic Reduction and Geostrophically Appended Longevity]
From: n.d.vurien@archsci
To: b.z.lucavi@archsci
Subject: Re: Approval request (REVISED)
Dr. Lucavi,
What you “feel” incumbent upon you is irrelevant. You were not granted your station for your feelings, which are no doubt many, varied, and hyperbolic. You are here to work.
Bear that in your adolescent mind when you find yourself before the Arch-Sciences Tribunal for your most recent proposal. Undoing the Rite of Sustainment? What you suggest borders on treason.
Present yourself tomorrow morning, and consider yourself lucky that you are ineligible for excoriation, given your…condition. I continue to await a measured and reasoned proposal.
Recall the 4th Ray of the Astranogyon: “The difference between life and obliteration is but a respectful distance from the stars.”
I recommend you consider the merits of your fellow researchers’ projects, such as Dr. Drachus’ work in neometallurgic assault frame compositions.
From: b.z.lucavi@archsci
To: n.d.vurien@archsci
Subject: Approval Request (With Sugar on Top)
Most Esteemed Lady Vurien,
I would love nothing more than to work. To do so, I require resources outlined in my grant proposals.
After your earlier message inspired me to reflect on the Astranogyon, I began expanding upon some intriguing variances possible within the corpus of “holotwin” research.
[Project KALFU: Karyon-Appropriative Luminal Fabrication Unity]
From: n.d.vurien@archsci
To: b.z.lucavi@archsci
Subject: Approval Request (With Sugar on Top)
Project KALFU is two levels beyond your clearance—it is only by your mother’s misguided beneficence that you retain your position.
Tread carefully, child. You’ve no doubt drawn the attention of the Spymistress, and I will not have this division mired in controversy should an investigation be opened.
From: b.z.lucavi@archsci
To: n.d.vurien@archsci
Subject: Important Proposal
O, Wise and Venerable Lady Vurien,
See attached.
[Project LIMOS: Lingual Impulse Modulation by Olfactory Supersession]
From: n.d.vurien@archsci
To: b.z.lucavi@archsci
Subject: Important Proposal
Is this a proposal to research the effects of chocolate on the behavior of Arch-Sciences researchers?
From: b.z.lucavi@archsci
To: n.d.vurien@archsci
Subject: Re: Re: Important Proposal
Everybody likes chocolate.
From: n.d.vurien@archsci
To: b.z.lucavi@archsci
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Important Proposal
Dr. Lucavi,
We are not going to pay you to eat chocolate.
Find work that is suited to the Empire’s needs, or find work elsewhere.
From: b.z.lucavi@archsci
To: n.d.vurien@archsci
Subject: Place to Stand and a Lever
Lady Vurien,
It’s clear the Arch-Sciences division council is of single-minded vision with regard to the application of research. The only projects that get funding around here are military and defense contracts.
To that end, I’m petitioning for the renewal of the late Dr. Elzer’s work in genomic modification.
Grant me and my team your endorsement and funding, and we will elevate the Jennerit both militarily and societally.
[Project PHALANX: Phenotypic Alteration, Augmentation, and Neuronal Xenogenesis]
From: n.d.vurien@archsci
To: b.z.lucavi@archsci
Subject: Re: Place to Stand and a Lever
Was that so hard?
Your proposal is approved; you’ll be working out of division lab number 42.
I leave the preparations of the space to your team. Let me know if you require more personnel or equipment. I’ve also petitioned the council for an additional stipend to be allotted to you monthly as compensation for the personal risk outlined in your proposal.
Lastly, you’ll be sharing a campus with Lord…Nert, I believe? Whichever buffoon is the newest project manager of that money pit they call Project HOTEP. Perhaps you can help one another; I see the previous project manager cited “structural deconstitution” as an ongoing problem with her subjects.
If you’re half as good as you say, you should have no problem supplying something of hardier stock from PHALANX.
One hand scours the other, so the saying goes.
From: b.z.lucavi@archsci
To: n.d.vurien@archsci
Subject: Re: Re: Place to Stand and a Lever
My Lady,
Hedronic Oscillation by Trans-Euclidian Phantasma was the focus of my 3rd dissertation. I assume Nert’s using precursor subjects from Jennar? I’ve said time and again, our focus on homogeny will be our death.
But don’t worry—my work will change all of that.
From: n.d.vurien@archsci
To: b.z.lucavi@archsci
Subject: (no subject)
I expect great things of you before long.
May the Mother guide you.