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Layla Ellison

Redfall: Exclusive New Look at Laylau0027s Backstory and Abilities - IGN First


Layla Ellison is one of the playable characters in Redfall.

Layla came to Redfall to study biomedical engineering at Redfall Technical University and was immediately struck by disaster… in the form of immense student debt. To alleviate some of her monetary troubles (and to hopefully get help for her recurring migraines), she volunteered for a medical trial at a local tech company, Aevum Therapeutics. Of course, nothing can just go smoothly for Layla, and a strange sequence of events during her trial granted her actual f&$%ing superpowers. But she made a little money and can create things with her mind now, so maybe it’s a win-win.

Illustrations Layla
OccupationBiomedical Engineering intern (formerly)
LikesHorror flicks, Lobster rolls, Chill Beats
DislikesAwkward Silences, Dishonesty, Vampires
Blood Type0-
Voice ActorNoveen Crumbie


Layla has three action skills that give her great mobility abilities. The first two skills have a cooldown and can constantly be triggered. The third skill is your ultimate skill which can change the tide in battle but needs to be charged up by collecting Psychic Residue.


Umbrella Ability Icon

This Telekinetic Ability will shield you and your team from incoming projectiles. The Umbrella can be launched forward damaging enemies in its path.

Press once to shield. Press again to launch. The Shield won’t protect you from melee damage.

  • Unlocks: Level 2
  • Active: 20 Seconds
  • Cooldown: 40 Seconds


Lift Ability Icon

Allows you to summon a Telekinetic Elevator to quickly launch you or your enemies into the air.

  • Unlocks: Level 3
  • Active: 7 Seconds
  • Cooldown: 25 Seconds

Vampire Ex-Boyfriend

Vampire Ex-Boyfriend Ability icon

Vampire Ex-Boyfriend is Layla’s Ultimate Skill. It will summon a companion that will assist you in combat.

  • Unlocks: Level 5
  • Active: 20 Seconds
  • Charge: You need to charge up this skill by collecting Psychic Residue throughout Redfall.

Skill Tree

Layla Skill Tree in Redfall

Layla’s skill tree has 3 branches that each focus on a specific action skill, then there is a fourth branch that lets you boost things like health and inventory space. Jacob also has 4 unique hero perks that enhance this role.

You can fully spec out your skill tree since Game Update 4 as Arkane Austin added 1 Skill Point as a reward for defeating Vampire Under-bosses during the Safe House Missions. Initially, this wasn’t possible even when you reached the level cap so you had to choose your skills wisely.

Layla Perks

College Diet21Layla recovers a bonus amount of health from eating food.
Telekiwhatsis31Layla takes less damage from Death Mist, Fires, and Electrical Hazards.
Telekiwhosis41Allies in an area around Layla take less damage from Death Mist, Fires, and Electrical Hazards.
Sensitive51When Layla picks up an orb of Psychic Residue, she gains a bonus amount of Psychic Residue.

Umbrella Upgrades

Layla’s Umbrella ability unlocks at level 2 in Redfall.

Umbrella Tier 1 Skills

Overcast21Umbrella recharges faster.
Bullet Hail21The Umbrella blast deals more damage based on the amount of damage the Umbrella absorbed.
Rain Collector21Damage done to the Umbrella refills Layla\s standard ammunition.

Umbrella Tier 2 Skills

The underlying Umbrella skill from Tier 1 needs to be unlocked in order to obtain the Tier 2 Umbrella skill in that branch.

Made in the Shade32Umbrella stays active for longer and can absorb more damage.
Thunderclap32The range and damage done by the blast when Umbrella ends is increased.
Downpour32Damage done to the Umbrella grants Layla Psychic Redidue.

Umbrella Tier 3 Skills

Every Tier 2 Umbrella Skill needs to be unlocked in order to obtain the ultimate Umbrella skill in Tier 3.

Thunderhead123Enemies hit by the Umbrella blast now trigger psychic explosions. Umbrella can absorb more damage and Umbrella blast damage is increased.

Lift Upgrades

Layla’s Lift ability unlocks at level 3 in Redfall.

Lift Tier 1 Skills

Hold the Lift31Lift lasts longer before vanishing.
Psychic Lobby31Summon an additional lift.
Psychic Sharpening51You and alles using your lifts gain a bullet damage boost while in mid-air.

Lift Tier 2 Skills

The underlying Lift skill from Tier 1 needs to be unlocked in order to obtain the Tier 2 Lift skill in that branch.

One More Floor52Lift launches people higher into the air.
Energized52You and allies who use your lifts reload their weapons faster while in mid-air.
Passenger Resonance52You and allies entering your lifts cause a psychic shockwave, staggering nearby enemies.

Lift Tier 3 Skills

Every Tier 2 Lift Skill needs to be unlocked in order to obtain the ultimate Lift skill in Tier 3.

Top Floor123Enemies who touch a lift now trigger a shockwave which bounces them into the air. Passengers Resonance has a larger radius and now deals damage, and Psychic Sharpening’s attack boost is increased. Finally, Layla can summon an additional Lift.

Vampire Ex-Boyfriend Upgrades

Layla’s Ultimate ability unlocks at level 5 in Redfall.

Vampire Ex-Boyfriend Tier 1 Skills

Time After Time51Jason fights for longer before leaving.
Died in Your Arms51Jason attacks more often.
Out of Nowhere51Enemies near the point Jason teleports to are staggered.

Vampire Ex-Boyfriend Tier 2 Skills

The underlying Ex-Boyfriend skill from Tier 1 needs to be unlocked in order to obtain the Tier 2 Ex-Boyfriend skill in that branch.

No Mountain High Enough62Jason’s attack range is increased.
Wrecking Ball62Jason’s attacks deal more damage.
I Will Survive62Jason can revive Layla, if she is downed, once while this ability is active.

Vampire Ex-Boyfriend Tier 3 Skills

Every Tier 2 Ex-Boyfriend Skill needs to be unlocked in order to obtain the ultimate Ex-Boyfriend skill in Tier 3.

Go Your Own Way123Jason’s attacks now heal Layla and all allies near her for a percentage of the damage inflicted. Jason’s damage, number of attacks, and attack range are all improved.

Common Skills

These are the 5 general upgrade skills that every character in Redfall can obtain. You can purchase each of these 5 skill twice.

Bandoliers21Additional storage for Handgun and Shotgun ammo.
Vampire Slayer21Additional storage for Stake Launcher, Flare Gun, and UV Beam ammo.
Long Gunner21Additional storage for Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle ammo.
Shot in the Arm21When you revive a teammate, they have even more health.
Quick Recovery21Increase the amount of health regenerated when low.

Tips & Tricks

  • The Lift ability can be used to gain access to the top floor of a building.
  • Lift isn’t just a utility ability, it can also be used to attack enemies.


  • Layla’s Psychic Shockwave no longer triggers multiple times from vampire lunge attacks.
  • All damage-dealing Hero abilities will now shatter vulnerable Nest hearts.
  • Layla’s Umbrella can now be activated while in mid-air, allowing it to be used with her Lift.

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