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Redfall Locations

Redfall is an Open-World Shooter that is divided into 2 districts. Each map has multiple neighborhoods that are controlled by the vampires. Each of these neighborhoods has one safe house that you can secure and several other points of interest. Grave locks are hidden throughout the world.

District 1: Redfall Commons

Redfall District 1 Map Overview

The Fire Station is your main base of operations in this district and doesn’t fall into one of the 5 neighborhoods in Redfall Commons. Securing the Fire Station is the first mission in the game, all other main story missions are activated in the Briefing Room which is located on the upper floor.

NeighborhoodPoints of InterestCollectibles
Basswood Basswood Safehouse
Samuelson’s Shipyard
Samuelson Overlook (Historical Marker)
Golden View Mobile
Hilltop Grave Site
Autumn Trail Road (Historical Marker)
Rowan TV Repairs
Reverend Eva’s Apartment
Dead Catch Records
Stormy Point (Historical Marker)
Bill’s House
13 Gravelocks
1 Customization
Simon’s Guide: TV Party ($7,500)
Location: Rowan TV Repairs, Hilltop Grave Site, Alley Communion.
Heritage RockHeritage Rock Safehouse
Heritage Rock Lighthouse
The Tempestas
Skull Altar
8 Gravelocks
1 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Moving On ($7,500)
Old TownOld Town Safehouse
Langston’s Overlook (Historical Marker)
Overton Theater
Dr. Hunt’s House
Zenglé’s Madness (Historical Marker)
Wheeler’s Sporting Goods
9 Gravelocks
2 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Invaders ($7,500)
SedgewickSedgewick Safehouse
Eveum Clinic
The Reyes House
Creelman Residence
United Church of Christ Cemetery
Redfall United Church of Christ
Addison Estate Grounds (Historical Marker)
Addison Mansion
8 Gravelocks
2 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Seeing Red ($7,500)
Location: The Reyes House
Shadetree HeightsShadetree Heights Safehouse
Supper Club (Historical Marker)
Shadetree Heights Supper Club
Island Crash Site
Wampywurk Sighting (Historical Marker)
Hillside Crash Site
Knott Cottage
Skull Altar
7 Gravelocks
2 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Sun’s Out, Guns Out ($7,500)
Location: Knott Cottage

District 2: Burial Point

Redfall District 2: Burial Point
Redfall District 2: Burial Point
NeighborhoodPoints of InterestCollectibles
DirecliffDirecliff Safehouse
Bladewell Sea Caves
Bladewell Campgrounds
Nathaniel Howl’s Prayer (Historical Marker)
Direcliff Amphitheater
Direwoolf Caverns
13 Gravelocks
1 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Fresh Meat ($7,500)
Founder’s KnollFounder’s Knoll Safehouse
Burial Point Memorial (Historical Marker)
The Blackwood House
Windy Stead (Historical Marker)
Smith Family Orchard
Smith Orchard House
Twintree Reflection Point
Independence Hill (Historical Marker)
Independence Hill
9 Gravelocks
1 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Welcome to the Neighborhood ($7,500)
Location: The Blackwood House
ChickeringChickering Safehouse
Chickering Church
Redfall Police Station
Chickering Veterinary Clinic
The Midnight Whale
Chickering Substation
White Pines
Cloversettle Trail
Emerton Lookout
Skull Altar
7 Gravelocks
4 Customizations
Simon’s Guide: Football Season is Over ($7,500)
Location: The Midnight Whale
Winslow FieldsWinslow Fields Safehouse
Mercy’s Fields (Historical Marker)
Winslow Fields (Historical Marker)
Wight Grain Elevator
Abandoned Barn
Wight Farms Barn
Old Bootlegger Tunnel
South Corral
4 Gravelocks
Simon’s Guide: The Mall Ninjas and their Toys ($7,500)
Location: South Corral
Ashumet SpringsAshumet Springs Safehouse
Burial Point Cemetery
Sand’s Residence
Irving Family Mausoleum
3 Gravelocks
1 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Dance with the Devil ($7,500)
Location: Burial Point Cemetery
Howl’s NeckHowl’s Neck Safehouse
Jolly’s Seaside Corner
Three Hands Lookout
Skull Altar
5 Gravelocks
2 Customizations
Simon’s Guide: Room With a View ($7,500)
Location: Bellwether Crash Site
Haven’s LotHaven’s Lot Safehouse
Meteorological Annex
New Light Village (Historical Marker)
Coast Guard Hanger
Coast Guard Station
7 Gravelocks
1 Customization
Simon’s Guide: Special Little Boys ($7,500)
Location: Coast Guard Hanger
Brighton BayBrighton Bay Safehouse
Coastal Memorium (Historical Marker)
Brighton Bay Sporting Goods
The Keeper’s House
Brighton Bridge
Maritime Center
6 Gravelocks
Simon’s Guide: Moths to a Flame ($7,500)
Location: Brighton Bay Sporting Goods

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