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Space Punks Melee Weapons

Space Punks Melee Weapons Overview

Close Quarters Combat

Attack your enemies up-close and personal with these smashing melee weapons in Space Punks. Every melee weapon has its own pros & cons, ranging from fast but weak attacks or slow and powerful attacks. While leveling up your character, you will unlock the ‘Heavy Hit’ ability. These strong attacks act like a skill as they are powerful abilities and have a short cooldown.

Melee Weapon List


Heavy Hit hurts feelings and self-esteem of attacked opponents: they start to think “how can I be so stupid to fight with anyone with Fang in hands. just how?”.

  • Speed: Slow
  • Attacks: 2 strikes + spin attack
  • Heavy Attack: Fowards Jump Attack
  • Heavy Attack Cooldown: 10 seconds
Space Punks Melee Weapon - Fang


Heavy Hit of Cangurus is undoubtedly doing something phenomenal, but what exactly is it? It is forbidden knowledge, which only a guru living in the Can can possess.

  • Speed: Normal
  • Attacks: 3 punches
  • Heavy Attack: Fowards Jump Attack
  • Heavy Attack Cooldown: 10 seconds
Space Punks Melee Weapon - Canguru


Heavy Hit spins you around injuring those who stand in your way.

  • Speed: Normal
  • Attacks: 2 strikes
  • Heavy Attack: Spin attack
  • Heavy Attack Cooldown: 7 seconds
Space Punks Melee Weapon - Slicer


Heavy Hit is dimension breaking and turns 3D things into 2D things. Not yet tested on 4D stuff. fight with anyone with Fang in hands. just how?”.

  • Speed: Slow
  • Attacks: 2 swings
  • Heavy Attack: Slam
  • Heavy Attack Cooldown: 10 seconds
Space Punks Melee Weapon - Smasher

Stabby & Slashy

Heavy Hit teleports you behind the back of the enemy. So you can run or backstab him.

  • Speed: Fast
  • Attacks: 2 swings
  • Heavy Attack: Forward Dash Attack
  • Heavy Attack Cooldown: 6 seconds
Space Punks Melee Weapon - Stabby and Slashy


Heavy Hit points out the bad defensive strategy of your opponent to them and additionally might kill it.

  • Speed: Normal
  • Attacks: 2 swings
  • Heavy Attack: Spin Attack with Ground Spike Finisher
  • Heavy Attack Cooldown: 4 seconds
Space Punks Melee Weapon - Swoosher


  • The Fang has a lower base common damage than a Smasher but higher Heavy Hit damage.
  • The Swoosher has a very lengthy Heavy Hit animation and a very short cooldown.
  • Having life-steal on your melee weapons is powerful Mod that can keep you alive.

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