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Space Punks Item Mods

Space Punks Item Mods Overview

What type of Mods can you get in Space Punks

Your Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Medbelts, and Shields all can get Mods on them. The higher the rarity of the item the more Mod slots it will have. Items can roll with more Mods, however, you can only activate 1 Mod per row.

  • Common: 0 Mods
  • Rare: 1 Mod
  • Epic: 2 Mods
  • Legendary: 3 Mods

Item Mods Overview

Ranged Weapon Mods

Space Punks Bullets Mod


+25% Bullets

Space Punks Critical Chance Mod

Critical Chance

+15% Critical Chance

Space Punks Critical Multiplier Mod

Critical Multiplier

+15% Critical Multiplier

Space Punks Damage Mod


+15% Damage

Space Punks Fire Rate Mod

Fire Rate

+15% Fire Rate

Space Punks Magazine Size Mod

Magazine Size

+15% Magazine Size

Space Punks Piecer Mod


Makes your bullets go straight through your enemies.

Space Punks Reload Time Mod

Reload Time

-25% Reload Time

Space Punks Ricocheting Ammo Mod

Ricocheting Ammo

Bullets will injure and bounce off enemies.

Space Punks Spread Mod


-50% Spread

Space Punks Stunning Mod


You are absolutely stunning!

Melee Weapon Mods

Space Punks Catalyzer Mod


Reduces the cooldown of skills

Space Punks Critical Chance Mod

Critical Chance

+15% Critical Chance

Space Punks Critical Multiplier Mod

Critical Multiplier

+15% Critical Multiplier

Space Punks Damage Mod


+15% Damage

Space Punks Goring Mod


Makes your enemies explode

Space Punks Heavy Damage Mod

Heavy Damage

+20% Heavy Damage

Space Punks Lifesteal Mod


Transform the enemy’s health energy into your own.

Medbelt Mods

Space Punks Dash Regen Speed Mod

Dash Regen Speed

+20% Dash Regen Speed

Space Punks Fortitude Mod


Your Health takes less of a hit

Space Punks Health From Medkits Mod

Health From Medkits

+50% Health from Medkits

Space Punks HP Bonus Mod

HP Bonus

+15% HP Bonus

Space Punks Reflective Field Mod

Reflective Field

Some of the damage dealt to you is reflected back to your opponent.

Space Punks Reviver Mod


After being defeated, rise immediately with half of your health.

Shield Mods

Space Punks Bullet Bouncer Mod

Bullet Bouncer

Bullets will bounce off the environment.

Space Punks Capacity Mod


+15% Capacity

Space Punks Heavy Damage Mod

Expeditious Retreat

Allows you to run faster

Space Punks Pushback Mod


Push opponents away from you.

Space Punks Recharge Delay Mod

Recharge Delay

-15% Recharge Delay

Space Punks Recharge Rate Mod

Recharge Rate

+15% Recharge Rate

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