Clawbringer Skill Tree

Clawbringer - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Character Class

This is an overview of the Clawbringer’s Skill Tree in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. It contains a Class Feat, two Actions Skills, and a talent tree that easily lets you specialize in Fire and Lightning Damage while utilizing their trusty Wyvern Companion

Class Feat: Wyvern Companion

The Clawbringer’s Class Power is a Wyvern Companion. You are accompanied by a Wyvern Companion that flies through the environment and attacks enemies with its claws and Fire Breath. The Fire Breath has a 21-second cooldown.

Any increases to the Fatemaker’s Damage also apply to their Companions.

Your Wyvern companion will respawn after 30 seconds whenever it goes down.

Unlock: You will gain access to your Class Feat once you interact with the Queen’s Waystone in Queen’s Gate you are likely around LVL5 at this point in the game.

Action Skill 1: Cleansing Flames

The Fatemaker summons their Hammer and slams it into the ground, dealing Melee Damage and creating a massive Fire Nova, dealing Fire Ability Damage to nearby enemies.

  • Cooldown: 25 Seconds
  • Unlock: You will gain access to your first action skill at level 2.

Action Skill 2: Storm Dragon’s Judgement

The Fatemaker summons their Hammer and hurls it, dealing Lightning Ability Damage to all enemies it touches. It sticks wherever it lands and deals Lightning Melee Damage every second to all nearby enemies.
The Fatemaker can recall the Hammer, damaging enemies along its path, ending the Action Skill early, and refunding a portion of the cooldown.

  • Duration: 8 Seconds
  • Cooldown: 21 Seconds
  • Unlock: You will gain access to your second action skill at level 7.

Clawbringer Skill Tree Overview

The Clawbringer’s Skill Tree contains 5 Tiers and 1 Capstone Skill. You will unlock a new skill tier every time you spend 5 Skill Points in the Skill Tree. You can choose to spend your skill points on the next set of skills or on the previously obtained skills but once you spend another 5 Skill Points you can move on to the next Tier.

Tier 1

Oath of Fire (5)

The Fatemaker deals Bonus Fire Damage with their guns and their Wyvern Companion deal Bonus Fire Damage. Bonus Fire Damage is increased by 4% per Skill Point.

Radiance (5)

The Fatemaker gains +6% increased Maximum Ward Capacity per Skill Point.

Oath of Thunder (5)

The Fatemaker deals Bonus Lightning Damage with their melee attacks and their Wyvern Companion deals Bonus Lightning Damage. Bonus Lightning Damage is increased by 6% per Skill Point.

Tier 2

Dragon Aura (5)

The Fatemaker is surrounded by a Dragon Aura that grants themselves and all allies inside it increased Elemental Damage.

Elemental Damage is increased by 5% per Skill Point.

Dedication (5)

The Fatemaker gains increased Action Skill Cooldown Rate. The higher their Ward, the greater the bonus.

Gain up to +6% Cooldown Rate per Skill Point.

Rebuke (5)

The Fatemaker gains Damage Reduction from all attacks. Additionally, all allies near the Fatemaker gain a chance to reflect damage back to their attackers as Lightning Damage.

  • Damage Resistance: +4% per Skill Point
  • Damage Reflected: 4% per Skill Point

Tier 3

Blasthamut’s Favor (1)

Kill Skill: Killing an enemy with a gun summons a Fire Orb that seeks out a new enemy dealing Fire Ability Damage.

Killing an enemy with melee damage summons a Lightning Orb that seeks out an enemy, dealing Lightning Ability Damage.

Tier 4

Fire Bolt (1)

The Wyvern Companion will occasionally shoot Fire Bolts at enemies, causing damage in an area and leaving a splat. Additionally, the Fatemaker gains increased Gun Damage.

  • Bullet Damage: +10%
  • Lava Pool Duration: 8 Seconds
  • Fire Bolt Cooldown: 16 Seconds

Friend to Flame (5)

The Fatemaker’s Wyvern Companion gains 20% Increased Damage per Skill Point.

Storm Breath (1)

The Wyvern Companion will occasionally use its Lightning Breath on enemies, causing Lightning Damage that can arc from enemy to enemy.
Additionally, the Fatemaker gains increased Damage Reduction.

  • Damage Reduction: +15%
  • Lightning Breath Cooldown: 32 Seconds

Tier 5

Awe (3)

After dealing Fire Damage, the Fatemaker gains increased Critical Hit Damage.

After dealing Lightning Damage, the Fatemaker gains increased Critical Hit Chance.

  • Crit Damage: +7% per Skill Point
  • Crit Chance: +13% per Skill Point
  • Duration: 12 Seconds

Indomitable (1)

If the Fatemaker would enter Save Your Soul, instead they refill their Ward and deal Bonus Lightning Damage for a short time. This skill has a long cooldown.

  • Duration: 20 Seconds
  • Cooldown: 100 Seconds
  • Bonus Lightning Damage: +20%

Capstone Skill

Storm Smite (1)

Whenever the Fatemaker activates an Action Skill, they call down 4 Elemental Bolts that deals Fire Ability Damage or Lightning Ability Damage to all nearby enemies.

Clawbringer Builds

More Skill Trees

Use the Skill Tree Builder to create your own build or check out the Skill Trees of the other classes in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.

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