About AC Unity and the Assassins Creed Wallpaper
Little is known yet about the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Unity, after the leak of the logo we know it is set in Jade Raymonds favorite city because she teased this on her twitter. This could probably be Paris, so the French revolution in 1789 is a good Assassin’s Creed timeframe. Jade Raymond was the producer of the first Assassin’s Creed and exclusive producer on Watch_dogs a other franchise by Ubisoft.
With this leaked logo i got little to work with, cleaned up the logo a bit and made it more 3D. The name unity got me thinking “what would present itself as unity”, “what does unifying look like”. Then i got the idea of putting a few swords next to eachother. I don’t know if the timeframe is good, but resembling a Brotherhood, a packt. When you agree as something as a team, all in favor put there head on top of eachother, now set this back in time and in battle. All in favor place there sword on top of one and other. A little easter egg thingy; the swords are placed in the shape of the abstergo logo, the “evil” corporation that invented the Animus. Talking about the Animus the background of this wallpapers features a Animus like theme, during the game you see the world being build up with wireframes as the program loads. This look is something i used for this Assassin’s Creed Wallpaper just like i used the genetic dna code, because DNA is the thing that binds all AC games with each other. I hope you also like my fanart with this Unity wallpaper of the Assassin’s Creed series and set it as your background to decorate your desktop, don’t forget to rate and if you like leave a note.