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About BL2 and Axton Skill tree Wallpaper
Axton the Commando from Borderlands 2 is one of the playable vault hunters. Axton was part of Dahl military force for ten years and reaching the rank of sergeant. He was discharged for disregarding orders and pursuing personal glory. The discharge came from commanding officer Sarah, who also was his wife that simultaneously divorced him. Axton used his skills and turret to become a mercenary.
After seeing the Borderlands 2 Launch date trailer i was excited. There was a little snippet that showcased the new ingame menu, the interface, with skill trees and all. This new UI gave me the ambition to create a wallpaper with this design. Having the Borderlands 2 interface inside the game also on your desktop background. By placing your desktop icons inside the grids you kinda get the whole skill tree vibe. Enjoy my latest fanart with this Axton Skill tree wallpaper of Borderlands 2 and set it as your background to pimp your desktop theme, don’t forget to rate and if you like leave a note.
Want to customize your Axton Skill Tree ? Check out the official skill tree calculator.
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Borderlands 2 Launch Date Trailer