1920x1080 1600 x 900 1366 x 768
About The Lilith Wallpaper
Lilith is one of the original vault hunters of the first Borderlands game making her return into the franchise. Lilith is one of the 6 sirens in the Borderlands Universe and was a playable character in Borderlands 1. There she had the ability to Phasewalk, this way she can cloak herself from the rest of the world and get passed everything undetected. In Borderlands 2 you group up with her as she is one of the NPC’s.
Lilith is known as the Firehawk in Borderlands 2 and that is the theme i used for this Lilith Wallpaper. During a few scenes in the game you see that Lilith had glowing wings made out of fire and that is what you get with this fanart, the only thing that you have to do is set it as your background 😉
Character Render by KSE25