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Borderlands 2 – Vault Hunter Wallpaper

Borderlands 2 Wallpaper - Vault Hunter
Borderlands 2 Wallpaper - Vault Hunter


1920x1200 1680x1050

1920x1080 1600 x 900 1366 x 768

1600x1200 1280x1024

Android iPhone 4 iPhone 5

Facebook Cover

About Borderlands 2 – Vault Hunter Wallpaper

Borderlands 2 weapon inspect background with Sledge Shotgun

Borderlands 2 weapon inspect background with Sledge Shotgun

This Borderlands wallpaper started  out as a recreation of the  Borderlands 2 weapon inspect background. I wanted to recreate that effect for a Youtube video i wanted to make. The video never got finalized but i kept all the assets. The design was iconic enough so i started making background images with it for my social media channels.  But after using those for a while i thought ill give this design a upgrade. Turning this flat 2D design into a  3D look. So i added some depth to the rings giving the impression it’s a 3D object. Distinguishing the 2 layers each one got it’s own texture, so it wouldn’t just be one background texture. What have would have been the easy route. At first this was the case when developing this Borderlands Wallpaper, but i decided to go the extra mile and give myself some extra work. But in the end pushing the details a bit further shows. If you remember the first Borderlands trailer there was a moment that the vault hunters would stand before the vault and that with a bright shining light it would open. This is something i wanted to add to this wallpaper. So i added some lens flares to it but instead of using the usual colors i would normally pick i chose for purple. The reason for this is the new elemental type in Borderlands 2 called slag. On the early Borderlands 2 logo you also see a purple glow. At first when i saw this i didn’t understand why Gearbox would choose to add that color to the logo. Later on they removed it and i’m glad about it, but it was gearbox way of showing of the new element. As gearbox started releasing more playable characters to the game i started adding them to my wallpaper. From left to right this Borderlands wallpaper features the following Vault Hunters:

  • Salvadorthe Gunzerker
  • Axtonthe Commando
  • Zerothe Assassin
  • Mayathe Siren
  • Kriegthe Psycho
  • Gaigethe Mechromancer


As i stated earlier this design was first used for my social media channels, so it had my gamertag stamped on it. That’s cool for me but it’s not something i expect you are going to put on your desktop background. So instead of going for the title of the game i chose to put the text Vault Hunter on there. Saying that you are a Vault Hunter is somewhat like saying you are a badass. So no Borderlands 2 logo this time around. Enjoy and let me know what you think of my  Vault Hunter  Wallpaper of Borderlands 2 and set it as your  wallpaper  to decorate as your background theme. Don’t  forget to rate, follow and share.


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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