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About Borderlands 2 Wallpaper – Axton the Commando
Axton the Commando following in the footsteps of Roland the Soldier. Where Roland was using Atlas tech Axton is using a superior Dahl turret. With Borderlands 1 the turret was only able to shoot at a 180 degrees, in Borderlands 2 this got updated to 360 degrees with Axton’s turret.
This was the first Borderlands 2 wallpaper that i centered around the Vault hunter, Axton. I thought i t would be cool if Axton was standing in front of a huge explosion. So i snatched a screenshot from the first Borderlands because i needed a background. This image actually featured Mordecai from that game, but i painted over him. The explosion is my first attempt to draw such a thing. Although it’s not realistic it kinda fits the artstyle look Borderlands in known for. I took a screenshot from the Doomsday trailer where the Vault Hunters get introduced. I liked the artstyle Gearbox used for the character names. Instead of going for a realistic muzzle flash i went for a ink splatter shooting out of the turret and over this i layered in the name. Also gave the Axton character render that i cut out some back lighting so he fitted more into the composition.
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