1920x1200 1680x1050 1440 x 900
1920x1080 1600 x 900 1366 x 768
About Most Wanted Wallpaper
If you walk around the in Borderlands 2 you can find these wanted posters of the vault hunters. I thought it would be a fun concept for a wallpaper where the vault hunters are looking at their bounty posters. Because i didn’t have images of the back of their heads back in 2012 i came up with the idea to do it in a silhouette solution. Also back in those days this wallpaper was a bit more bland because i wanted to recreate the somewhat cell shaded look from the game by using real world texture images and making them more smooth. Looking back at this in 2017 i like the idea i was going for but the execution was a bit lacking. With this updated version i gave the wallpaper a bit more of it’s original texture but also enhance the outline feel from a borderlands game. With the original version the posters kinda felt out of place because they had some more detailed texture to them, so i brought both elements more inline with each other. I hope this improved wallpaper and that it is something for you, If so please also share the joy!