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Facebook CoverAbout Borderlands – Maliwan Wallpaper
One of the weapon manufactures on Pandora is Maliwan. They have been around since the first Borderlands and standout for their sleek design and high elemental effect. Maliwan’s tagline is; “form meets function”. One function that got added with Borderlands the Pre-Sequel is LASERS PEW PEW. Mister Torgue may not like them but i thought it would be cool to create a wallpaper showcasing the Maliwan laserbeam. Maliwan Laser weapons have a continues, Ghostbusters like, laserbeam. They can do more damage as you hold down the fire button for a longer period of time. Let me know if you like these new weapons in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel in the comments below. Or just tell me your thoughts on my Borderlands Wallpaper of the Maliwan Corporation. At least enjoy and set it as your wallpaper to decorate as your background theme. Don’t forget to rate, follow and share.