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About BLTPS and This Wilhelm Wallpaper
Wilhelm the Enforcer, the cyborg warrior who serves Handsome Jack. First encountered as one of the bosses within Borderlands 2, now with Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Wilhelm is a playable Vault Hunter. At the beginning of BLTPS Wilhelm isn’t a full cyborg, as you progress through the game you are able to unlock certain skills that will transform him in the direction of the Hyperion Loader Boss we know from BL2. Once again with this Wilhelm wallpaper, the series continues in the style that I made with the first Claptrap Wallpaper a while back. Borderlands = Vault Logo, The Pre-Sequel = Space, Wilhelm = Badass, what else do you need to know 😉
Todd Hester
Let’s hope bl3 isn’t as bad as tps
Randy Pitchford said in an interview that they could have made a lot of “Pre-Sequels” and made money with that. But with the next Borderlands they want to go beyond BL2.5. Because nothing is announced (yet) we can only hope. I still have good fate that they can pull it off.
Todd Hester
As I said let’s not hope it’s as bad as tps