1920x1080 1600 x 900 1366 x 768
Android iPhone 4 iPhone 5 HD Vertical
Facebook CoverContent
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel – Athena Wallpaper
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel – Aurelia Wallpaper
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel – Claptrap Wallpaper
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel – Jack Wallpaper
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel – Nisha Wallpaper
- Borderlands the Pre-Sequel – Wilhelm Wallpaper
About Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Wallpaper Pack
After remastering the old Borderlands 2 wallpapers I started working on versions of Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. If you want to know how the design flow on that project went follow the link above. There is quite a story on that if you are interested. It involves how the Borderlands wallpaper came about and how it evolved over time.
As you might have seen this Borderlands wallpaper pack includes all Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Vault Hunters.
- Athena – the Gladiator
- Aurelia – the Baroness
- Claptrap – the Fragtrap
- Jack – the Doppelganger
- Nisha – the Lawbringer
- Wilhelm – the Enforcer