1920x1200 1680x1050 1440 x 900
1920x1080 1600 x 900 1366 x 768
About Maliwan Wallpaper
As part of the promotional campaign of Borderlands 2 there where some videos that promoted the weapon manufactures of Borderlands. One of those trailers was for Maliwan and that one sparked this wallpaper. I wanted to create a sweet wallpaper that showed all the elemental effects the brand is known for and have the tagline;” From Meets Function” in there. So i captured screenshots from the different elements, fire, corrosive , shock, and explosive and polished them a bit up. This way i could showcase the different elements and its effects. Around this i wanted a sleek looking maliwan look. I also wanted this wallpaper to be different from the other Maliwan wallpapers out there. Therefore i didn’t go with the usual diagonal stripes with this one. Looking back at this 2012 design I thought it was a bit blend. If i think about Maliwan weapons i think of colorful shiny hi-tech weapons and this wallpaper wasn’t reflecting that. So with this 2017 remaster i’m pushing the colors up and added some more shine to it. The text in the original wallpaper stood a bit out, it wasn’t blending in with the overal design, so i adjusted the outline to make it more fitting. I hope these improvements to this wallpaper and that it is something for you, If so please also share the joy!
Maliwan Wallpaper – Form Meets Function Remastered – Borderlands 2