About the game and the Quantum Break Wallpaper
The game Quantum Break is made by Remedy Entertainment, the guys that brought you Max Payne & Alan Wake. Beside this videogame is also a TV show that will hook in the events of the game. In the game you are playing in the standpoint of the hero’s the TV show will give you a look in the life of the villain. The Story of Quantum Break is that there is experiment that went wrong and time it self is broken a few people are effected by this and are able to control time. A good excuse for the studio that brought us Bullet Time in videogames to create something new with this gameplay element.
This Quantum Break Wallpaper features one of the playable characters and the Monarch logo. Just like the game it’s a good excuse to freeze some explosions in (bullet) time. I hope you also like my fanart with this Quantum Break Wallpaper of Remedy Entertainment’s newest video game and set it as your background to decorate your desktop, don’t forget to rate , comment and bookmark my site.