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Android Facebook CoverAbout Rainbow Six Siege Wallpaper
Rainbow Six games have always been realistic shooters so no rocket jumping or regenerating shields. The franchise stands out for it’s tactical gameplay and with Rainbow Siege Ubisoft once again proves that they can deliver that promise. Within the multiplayer mode of this newest installment of the series you get to choose between two fractions; The Rainbow Six team or the Terrorists. As the terrorist keep a hostage captive the rainbow six squad has to infiltrate the scene. The terrorist get to fortify the place to make their last stand. The infiltrating team needs to Recon the place, share intel and use good team play if they want to succeed with this 5 vs 5 gameplay mode. After the match the teams switch for offence to defense and vise versa.
Ubisoft is a master in creating a hype for their games or i’m just a sucker for their franchises. But what i have seen by now it looks to be a great game. One of the elements of the game is the destructible environment. Blowing up walls or shooting holes in doors creating new routes or advantages to get a kill on your enemy. Well the game popped up with a bang and this Rainbow Six Wallpaper continues that trend. A explosive wallpaper to shine on your (desktop) background. Hopefully you like my Rainbow Six Siege Wallpaper and set it as your background to pimp your theme, don’t forget to rate and if you like leave a note.